September 8, 2021

7 Intimate Ways to Say “I Love You.”


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When you start to fall in love with someone, it can be exhilarating and scary at the same time. 

Love is like that, isn’t it? 

Those moments when you look at the person you are falling for make you feel as if your heart is going to burst with joy. So naturally, the first time you say those three special words to your soulmate, it has to be romantic and memorable.

Saying I love you for the first time can feel a bit scary, but does that mean you will never say those words? Of course not! You just need to find the right words and the right timing to make sure that it will be a moment both of you will remember for the rest of your lives.

Seven romantic ways to say, “I love you” for the first time:

1. Go out for dinner and say it.

If you are searching for the right time and the right setting to say those three words to the person you love, then taking them out for dinner to their favorite restaurant is one of the best things you can do. Say what you feel about them over their favorite meal. Be vulnerable and open about your emotions.

Say exactly how hard you have fallen for them—how much you truly love them—so that they can feel and understand the depth of your love. The romantic setting will make the night even more perfect and a hundred times more romantic.

2. Say it smoothly when you are falling asleep.

Imagine both of you at the end of a long day, cuddling in bed and feeling cozy, and just when you are falling asleep, you think, “This is perfect. I have never felt so safe and loved before with anyone.” This is one of the best times to say that you love them.

Both of you are connected, relaxed, and in a good mood, so the chances are that they also have pretty deep feelings for you. If you do end up expressing your love, and they don’t give you an answer immediately, then let them sleep on it; they might need some time to process what you said.

Don’t even think for a second that it’s a bad thing or that you made a mistake. This is a major confession, and needing some time to process it is a natural reaction sometimes.

3. Leave a little love note for them under their pillow or among their things.

If you are not really an expressive person and feel intimidated to express your feelings openly, you can write them a love letter or a cute little love note. Write them a heartfelt letter, saying how you feel about them, how perfect you both are together, and how you dream of building a beautiful future with them.

When you are done, hide the letter or note under their pillow or in their cupboard so that you know for sure that they will find it. Imagine how amazing and loved they will feel when they come across your sweet, romantic note filled with your genuine, raw, and honest feelings for them.

This is one of the best ways to express your love for someone.

4. Make them a playlist of the most romantic songs to ever exist.

Music is one of the best ways to express love, isn’t it? Sometimes, music can say perfectly what we can’t. So, why not make them a playlist of the most romantic songs to ever exist (which will also include both of your all-time favorites)?

The songs which you know for a fact that they love and feel connected to will do most of the work for you. Also, add some songs that will perfectly describe your feelings for them, if you find yourself unable to express them in words, just how much you love them.

Music, after all, is just another word for magic; it has the power to make us feel our feelings in a much deeper way.

5. Say it with fireworks or a sparkler.

Expressing your love for someone with a sparkler or fireworks is one of the most romantic ways of saying “I love you.” Imagine yourself opening up about the sparks in your heart with the help of a sparkler. This might sound cheesy, but sometimes cheesy can be a good thing.

Want to make it even more romantic and cute? Make a plan to watch the sunset together, and once the sun has set, light up the sparkler, write those three words in the air with it. Let the image hang there for just long enough for them to understand what you are saying.

Trust me; they will be blown away by this gesture!

6. Cook them breakfast in bed, and slip in a sweet note.

Doing the whole breakfast in bed thing is extremely romantic and can make anyone feel special and pampered. So why not do the same for the person you have fallen head over heels in love with?

Whip up a delicious breakfast, and if it’s their favorite, then even better. Write a sweet, heartfelt note expressing your love for them, and slip it under their plate. Not only will they love the fact that you gave so much effort into making their favorite breakfast, but they will also love your honesty and vulnerability.

It will really be a special morning—one that both of you will remember for the rest of your lives.

7. Scribble it in the sand when you are on the beach.

Beach dates are popular for a reason, so imagine how amazing it will be if you write “I love you” in the sand and surprise them, just as the sun is setting behind you. They won’t be expecting it at all, and you will be able to see their unfiltered reaction, making the whole experience all the more special.

Walking on the beach, holding hands with your partner is one of the most romantic things ever, and that’s why it’s the perfect time to say those three special words to the one you love with all your heart.

Saying I love you for the first time is a lovely feeling, so why not make it extra special and worth remembering for a lifetime?

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Alexandra Hall  |  Contribution: 3,750

author: Alexandra Hall

Image: ivan.debs/instagram

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