September 20, 2021

This type of Connection is Intense—& Rare.


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Communication is the greatest tool we have to connect with each other.

I am a writer and poet, and my heart loves words as well as unspoken communication—body language.

This is the unspoken language of love that makes our hearts and souls set ablaze.

The smile, the eye gaze, the leaning in with attention.

The sweet nuances and the acknowledgement of connection. The gaze that says, “I see you completely—I see the light and the dark, and I love it all.”

Such love is hard to find. These connections are rare.

When we do experience and find such a connection, it may be difficult to accept.

This type of connection is intense, and it cracks us open, setting us free.

We let go of our masks and armour.

When we experience this love, we are vulnerable and open.

Such a love is beyond words, and my heart and mind still long to articulate it.

My mind wrestles with words, and so I come back to this breath.

I wandered the forest path alone, a long and winding road, and still, he called.

“Come sit with me,” he whispered in the darkness and the light.

Be here, this breath, this life.

“Come be with me.”

Let go and be free!

Life and love are everywhere as far as eyes can see.

Yet, in these eyes and hands and heart, my life beats on for thee.

Come and let us see the daylight that is fading fast.

Come be without your words and armour.

Let love set us free.



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Renee Fesser  |  Contribution: 67,835

author: Renee Fesser

Image: muhammedsalah_/Instagram

Editor: Elyane Youssef

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