September 14, 2021

Lost Love & Grief: When it Feels like your Heart is Cracking Open.


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Grief sitting in your heart.

The loss of love is an intense pain that holds memory. It feels tight, constricted, exploding, and full. It feels like your heart is cracking open. Release the tears. 

The heart holds grief, but the heart also loves. Sometimes as we breathe, we can feel the release, the intensity of an emotion, a connection—the suffering that’s sitting in our hearts. It is there, wanting to be seen, heard, and comforted. 

Maybe we can finally sit with our grieving hearts. 

Yes, grief is uncomfortable. But as we acknowledge and make space for the misery, the healing process begins—the comfort in the discomfort.

Our anguish gets our attention for a reason: to help us recognize life with more awareness and gratitude.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Feel the connection. Feel the love and the pain. 

Grief can be so much more. It is a new way to open our hearts; it is a guiding light that shows us the way, a moment to recognize that life is brilliant and life is hard.

At first, grief can feel like it is hardening us—drowning us—but it also softens us, gives us inner strength. It is a place to pause, a place to feel, and a place to sit with love.

As we get in touch with this feeling, there is vulnerability: a moment where we realize that we loved and are loved. And we can remember that there is still a warm, loving light within us. It feels spacious, and there is freedom in that. 

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Maybe there are tears that fall down our face, a memory that surfaces, a pain from knowing we can’t get back what is gone. Yet, it is a release—a deep nourishing breath that brings us into the moment. 

And we are not alone.

Grief can be a loving teacher—if we listen. Grief teaches us about love, compassion, and gratitude. It reminds us to live while we are here. It asks us for more: 

How will I choose to live after this? 

Will I let this heartbreak soften me and remind me to stay awake?

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author: Jessica Lynn

Image: muhammedsalah/instagram

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