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September 22, 2021

I decide to write

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.

I write. So why do I act like I don’t. I think it’s more of the thought of what to write that holds me back. I get stuck a lot. My hand gets stiff but all of these words and sentences are Ferris wheeling around in my head. I think in full poetry but put a pen in my hand and my mind freezes.

Ya know, whenever I am in an AA meeting and it’s a speaker meeting, the person who is the speaker usually always ends their meeting with “Sorry, I know I’m not making sense, I’m just rambling but thank you for letting me share.” But they’ve made perfect sense! Maybe that’s me writing. I feel like I don’t make sense but maybe to some readers I make perfect sense.

What I am trying to say is I’ve always written. Since I was little.. My mom would always buy me guided journals; Describe your dreams journal, daily meditation journal, you know what I am talking about. One day I decided to write my own book.  Not a guided journal, but I took what I learned from those guided journals and hand wrote over 500 pages of a book about my relationships and how I understand man and woman. I ended up burning it. I didn’t think it made sense.

Now I am ready to start writing. I want to believe I make sense. Hopefully other people will understand what I am trying to say.

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