September 2, 2021

Dear Rebecca, I’ve Missed You.

Dear Rebecca, I’ve missed you.

I’ve missed you so very much.

I wish the mental health field didn’t harm you, but they did.

I’m sorry that happened.

I know it almost killed you.

Look at you now though—you’re a warrior.

You’re making it.

Look at you.

She knocked you down at your lowest, but look at you now.

Look how strong you are.

I never wanted you to experience what you did in order to stand stronger and more resilient, but this is what happened.

Look what you learned these last couple years though.

Look at whom you’ve become.

You’re doing it.

As your voice therapist says, “You’re doing the thing.”

Don’t ever let another person in power knock you down like that again.

That soul of yours is too beautiful, just like your smile.

Show the world those teeth again.

They want to see them, and so do I.

You’re going places.

Keep that head up of yours, and don’t ever let yourself become a psychologist’s label.

Your personality is not disordered.

No, your personality is just fine.

It’s more than fine.

It’s loved by so many, including me.

Smile, dance, and hold onto those little girls inside you. They need you more than anyone.

Remain standing, tears and all.

Your voice is needed.

I want to hear it, and so do many others.

You may not have the DSM memorized, but you know your truth and that of so many others.

You know the road to healing is not in a label.

It’s in you.

It’s with those little girls who weren’t loved.

It’s time to love them.

It’s time to drop the disorders and sit with them.

Keep going forward.

You’re beginning to shine.

I look forward to watching you become brighter.

Love your biggest cheerleader,



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Elephant journal  |  Contribution: 1,375,390

author: Rebecca Renae

Image: Chad Madden/Unsplash

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