September 11, 2021

Our Hearts hold the Power to start a Wildfire.



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I was inspired by the world today—by the pain and suffering going on.

To remember we are the key that holds our breath, our joy, and our possibilities, we have to first of all promise ourselves to see ourselves in a world so loud it is hard to remember this.

I wrote this poem because I want to take you back to your heart. I want to remind you that whatever you choose, you have to choose yourself first.

Promise You

Your words are like bullets.

Your eyes could teach lessons—

don’t use them thoughtlessly.

So many are helpless in this world.

You gotta take action.

You know you are the change in all you do.

The chance of failing—

you know that it is often.

But if you don’t wanna try,

then please, don’t blame and shame.

But if you wanna try,

know your heart holds the power to start a wildfire.

I hope you know that is what the world needs—

not just another person playing small.

You are starting a wildfire for hope by playing tall.

I hope you see possibilities are meant for you.

And I promise you, you will believe you mean something too.


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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,590

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: sorrylines.art/Instagram

Editor: Juliana Otis

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