September 18, 2021

What Makes our Love Last.

love shifts
a thousand temperatures
it twists
gets stressed
seems to break
then grows back
strong and supple.

here is what infuses our love
like precious herbs soaking in oil —
apologizing and meaning it
messing up
and laughing about it
having our sh*t together
long before we met.

what infuses our love
more than anything—
a thread of freedom.
expansive wings in an earthy Autumn breeze
we can do our own things
and then come together
over and over again.
it feels so gentle
a feather on my cheek
at vivid sunset.

our secret is
we hold each other
but not too tight
we lean in and care
leaving room for each of us to expand
so our love expands too.

this makes me feel seen
in the deepest way
our love lasts
breathable, beautiful silk
not suffocating or skin tight
because it moves
like rustling leaves
it moves
with our growth
climbing toward
milky rays of warm sun.


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Sarah Harvey  |  Contribution: 84,555

author: Sarah Harvey

Image: Toa Heftiba/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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