5.0 Editor's Pick
October 29, 2021

5 Reasons why Pets are an Introvert’s Best Friend.


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We come across many people who are animal lovers and share an amazing bond with their pets, especially introverts.

Introverts don’t just have an amazing bond with their furry buddies, they are deeply attached and connected to them; for them, their pets are nothing less than their human family members.

For an introvert, their pet is the silent companion who makes it easy for them to deal with the world with their soothing presence, one sticky kiss at a time.

Introverts have gentler and calmer souls than people who are not introverts, and that’s why they always look for peace, quiet, and calmness around them. Feeling overwhelmed in a world that seems predominantly extroverted is something every introvert struggles with, but when they go back home and see their furry friend waiting for them, somehow, everything seems a bit easier to handle.

Here are five reasons why pets are an introvert’s best friend:

1. They don’t expect much from us.

Pets only expect some food and love from us, and that’s it.

Unlike humans, they don’t have unending expectations and are happy to just be there for us. They feel the happiest when they get to spend some time with us.

They are good for our mental health because they never push us to do something we are not comfortable with and will be content with just laying their head on our lap.

Unlike most people out there, they never expect us to be someone we are not; they don’t have tons of expectations from us. For example, they never expect us to be more outgoing and extroverted and love us and accept us just the way we are.

They only want us to love them and feed them, and we gladly do it because these two things seem minuscule compared to what they do for us and how they make us feel.

Introverts get a lot of understanding and acceptance from their pets that they normally don’t get from other human beings, and this is one of the biggest reasons why they are so deeply attached to them.

2. They are comfortable with silence and solitude.

One of the best things about having a pet for an introvert is that, just like them, their pets have no problem with solitude and silence. Silence doesn’t overwhelm them, nor does it make them feel crazy (unlike some other humans!), and they can sit with them in silence for as long as they want. All that matters to pets is us and our presence beside them.

If we don’t feel well, emotionally and mentally, we don’t have to talk it out with them. We can just lie down with them and cuddle their soft, furry bodies. Within seconds we feel our tiredness and sadness melting away.

Research has shown that cuddling our dogs releases the love hormone, oxytocin, which reduces feelings of anxiety and stress and makes us feel positive, empathetic, and loved.

For introverts, solitude, silence, and calmness matter a lot, and a lot of times they are judged for that because people are quick to associate all that with loneliness and depression.

But our pet never judges us like that because, sometimes, they understand us better than our fellow human beings.

3. They are unconditional with their love.

“Nobody can fully understand the meaning of love unless he’s owned a dog. A dog can show you more honest affection with a flick of his tail than a man can gather through a lifetime of handshakes.” ~ Gene Hill

This probably sums up an animal’s unconditional love perfectly. There’s a reason why some people believe that animals are better than humans.

Introverts, like everybody else, need a lot of understanding, acceptance, and emotional support in their lives, and unfortunately, they don’t always get it. But pets are not like human beings; they can understand when we are sad or unhappy, and they are quick to make sure that they do everything in their power to make us feel better.

Their love is selfless and unconditional, and they never want anything in return, except for maybe a little bit of love from us. We are their whole world, and they live for us and because of us.

As introverts, the depth of our feelings is not that hard for them to understand because they might not be able to speak, but they see and sense everything with their heart.

4. They don’t need us to talk all the time.

One of the biggest struggles that introverts face is this constant need to talk to others, even when they don’t want to.

Most of the time, we might feel that it’s an extrovert’s world, and everywhere we look, everybody’s always talking and always up to something.

Seems overwhelming, doesn’t it? We need to slow down sometimes and be quiet and introspect a little in order to understand ourselves better and function properly.

Well, human beings might not always understand this, and they might fail to respect the fact that we hate talking all the time, but not to our pet.

When we are with our pet, we never feel the need to fill the silence with unnecessary banter and small talk. Small talk is nothing short of a nightmare for us, so when we are home with our pet and it’s just the two of us, it feels like heaven.

Our four-legged friends understand that we don’t always need to talk to understand people. Sometimes, we can love someone and be there for them without saying a single word.

This simple understanding that exists between an introvert and their pet is the reason why most introverts prefer to spend most of their time with their furry buddies instead of other human beings.

5. They never let us feel overwhelmed and alone.

After a long, tiring day at work, when we come back home and our pet jumps into our arms with happiness and a wagging tail, everything seems alright, doesn’t it?

Animals have this amazing ability to make us forget all our troubles and pain the moment they come to us and shower us with all their love.

Most of the time, introverts are highly misunderstood, or they are always expected to be someone they are not, and this can make them feel isolated and lonely.

But when we have our pet with us, they make it a bit easier to cope, don’t they?

Their innocent eyes and soothing presence are sometimes enough for us to battle the negative feelings that rage inside and make us feel grateful about having a best friend like them in our lives.

Whenever we are hit with a wave of anxiety, they are there to help us through it. Whenever the outside world seems overwhelming, the thought of them waiting for us on the other side of the door with their tail wagging makes us feel optimistic and happier. Whenever we feel like nobody understands us, they are there to help change that perception.

With our pet around, it’s almost impossible to feel sad and alone.

Pets always find a way to make everything better, and unlike most human beings out there, deep down inside, they know that love is the answer to every trouble. They know what unconditional love is, and they never hesitate to shower us with it.

Just like introverts, they feel everything deeply, and that’s why they are the best companions we can ever have in our lives.

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Alexandra Hall  |  Contribution: 3,750

author: Alexandra Hall

Image: giuliajrosa/Instagram

Editor: Michelle Al Bitar

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