October 26, 2021

Netflix & the Power of Vulnerability: The Surprising Lesson I Learned from These Two Sitcoms.

Our lives in the past few months have been filled with sitcoms, reality TV, and blockbusters.

So, there is no surprise that my post will be related to two sitcoms that I finished a few weeks ago: “Schitt’s Creek” and “The Mindy Project” on Netflix.

I experienced a wide range of emotions while watching each episode of both series. In certain episodes, I was laughing hard one minute but reaching for the tissues the next. I didn’t want either one of them to end.

However, this post is not about critiquing these two comedy series; this is more about how the two main characters of these light-hearted comedies have given me hope in finding love and helped me accept myself a little bit more.

Four years ago, a significant event in my life changed me forever.

I am sure most of you can relate that when you are faced with a life-changing situation, you doubt yourself and the choices you have made and have no idea on how to deal with all the emotions, uncertainty, and people’s opinions. But, mainly, you feel that you are not good enough.

And yet, as most of you have also heard, every dark cloud has a silver lining. So, while I was going through the journey of healing, I learned one important word thanks to a TED Talk by Dr. Brené Brown.

This word holds so much power in my life today and helps me overcome the challenges I have to face on a daily basis.

This word is vulnerability.

Vulnerability, according to Dr. Brené Brown, is showing up and being seen regardless of what others think or say. Knowing what I know about it now, I strongly believe that, all my life, I have done everything to outsmart vulnerability.

I saw it as a sign of weakness in me and believed that people would not like me if they knew I was full of flaws. So, thanks to Dr. Brené Brown, in the past couple of years, I have started to practice vulnerability.

Today I would like to share how two sitcoms are helping me show up and be seen regardless of the outcome.

For those who have not heard of the two sitcoms I have mentioned, “Schitt’s Creek” is a show about a wealthy family who went bankrupt and was forced to move into a remote small town, named Schitt’s Creek. While “The Mindy Project” is about a woman in search of her one true love, while growing as a person.

First, let’s have a look at Schitt’s Creek.

As previously mentioned, there are many reasons to love this show; however, the reason that stood out for me was the portrayal of the character David Rose.

His transformation from a spoilt wealthy brat to an independent, loving, and caring son and brother who finds the love of his life is truly inspirational.

The highlight of David Rose’s transformation is that he achieved all this while being true to himself and showcasing his honest feelings, challenges, and weakness. It was not about trying to fit in. He showed up regardless of what other people might see or think.

Of course, he had to shed some of his old ways and adopt new manners, but he never stopped sharing his true self with others. He also showed us that loving yourself and accepting yourself is not easy and that it does take time.

Personally, this was quite refreshing to watch. I strongly believe that in the case of David Rose, learning to love himself and being vulnerable led him to find his one true friend, Stevie Budd, and his husband David Brewer.

So what did this series do for me?

It confirmed that in order to build long-lasting friendships or intimate relationships, you need to first accept and love yourself and then show your beautiful true self to the people you care about.

Instead of worrying about what they might think or what you should say in a certain situation, you express what you are thinking and feeling to those close to you. This will allow you to build strong ties with people and let them love and accept you completely.

David Rose and Patrick Brewer expressed themselves completely, and we witnessed how their relationship grew stronger with each episode.

This relationship had intimacy as they not only loved each other but accepted and supported each other as well. Patrick and David accepted the good and the bad and made each other feel they were enough every day.

One of my favourite scenes from the series was when Patrick told David how right he makes him feel. He says, “David, I spent my whole life not knowing what ‘right’ was supposed to feel like. And then I met you, and everything changed. You make me feel right, David.”

My heart just melted again.

Now, let’s take a look at Dr. Mindy Lahiri.

Mindy, like David Rose, was completely true to herself in her search for love, regardless of what other people thought of her. Again, this was quite amazing to witness, as it confirmed that you may be full of flaws, but being yourself and allowing your weaknesses and true feelings to be seen by others gives you loyal friends in return and lets you find your true love.

Dr. Danny Castellano (whom Mindy ends up with) and Mindy knew each other quite well and shared truths about themselves openly and honestly.

Like Patrick and David Rose, they acknowledged, accepted, and supported not only the good bits but also the undesirable bits.

So, my dear readers, I would like to say that if you are like me—a person who was running away from vulnerability their whole life and saw it as a weakness—watch these two shows and observe these two relationships.

Also, I feel there is something for everyone, and it’s not just for the ones who are single and looking for love. Vulnerability is helpful in all aspects of life.

Further, I feel few of you may think this is just a show and not based on real lives, so normal people will find it hard to relate. I do agree with you, but I strongly believe it is not a good enough reason to dismiss the stories of David Rose and Mindy Lahiri.

For me, both of these shows give me hope that I am capable of being loved, and they give me the confidence to be seen, regardless of what people think or say.

Also, the shows confirm that being vulnerable will indeed strengthen my relationships, and I know that the people who are drawn to me and want to be around me have accepted me completely and love all of me.

I know I won’t be judged or attacked.

Further, vulnerability creates a space for others to share their true self with me, which will result in honest, deep, and intimate relationships in my life.

In conclusion, whatever your circumstances are, you need to know that you are enough, and you must accept and love yourself unconditionally. Don’t let circumstances or people make you feel that you are too flawed to be loved. And if you are part of a beautiful relationship, create a safe place for sharing your fears and weaknesses with each other.

Don’t forget to keep learning about the powers of vulnerability.

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author: Chathu De Silva

Image: Schitt's Creek/Youtube Screenshot

Image: Michelle Al Bitar

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