October 26, 2021

Mirror, Mirror…what’s the Most Attractive Quality of them All?

We love to watch movies about (generally white men) saving the world, but we are literally in the position to save the world, right now, and we can’t be bothered. The path to fighting this climate crisis, establishing justice in our communities, building a kinder, more equitable society, going vegan…is right here, but we can’t be bothered.

Progress starts with self-awareness, and self-awareness starts with meditation practice, twice a day, for even 5 minutes a day. It establishes a ground of sanity, of self-kindness, of self-honesty, of self-responsibility, of, as one of my teachers put it, growing up (he said, jokingly, “om grow up svaha” is the most profound mantra of them all).

The most attractive quality in a man—or woman, or anyone—isn’t being wealthy, a fast car, good looks. It’s genuine connection. And we can’t—we will never—connect genuinely with anyone until we genuinely connect with ourselves.

And we can’t—we will never—serve nor save this world of ours, from ourselves, until we grow up.

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