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October 25, 2021

Societal Menaces

Photo by Craig Lloyd on Pexels.

Societal Menaces

By Laura Booker

What makes a good or bad person?  Their looks, income level, personality, etc?  No, No, Yes, depends.  There are very attractive people who make a good living but treat others like shit.  On the flip side is that there are unattractive people who work for a living but not earning much and would do anything for anyone.  Now, as for me, I’ve never claimed to be a beauty queen but am not chopped liver either, have been working since I was seventeen and paying my own bills and always try to help people, especially close friends and family, but, that’s just how I am, a sensitive Cancer.

The people who really irritate me are the ones who take advantage of the government and know how to work it so that they can get as much money or benefits as possible, when they have never earned a paycheck.  I absolutely avoid going to any Walmart, Supercenter or Neighborhood Market during the first two weeks of the month since there are so many food assistance people there, who have a bunch of kids, whose daddies may or may not be around, but then come tax refund time, daddy is with mommy in order to get a big ass screen TV, shouldn’t that money be saved for expenses for the kids?  I guess that’s just me.  My current TV is only 26 inches and I freakin work for a living, paying my own bills, even if that means working multiple jobs.  All of these types of people have a sense of entitlement, why? When they haven’t done a damn thing for anyone else, but yet, they think they deserve free money, that money is not fucking free, the hard-working tax payers are flippin their fucking bill.  They can acquire at least $300 a month for food assistance, reduced rent at low-income housing, mindful, most don’t really care where they live and basically live the easy, put poor life.  Do these people have no pride or higher standards?  Obviously not.

What really angers me, is that while these menaces get whatever they want, the people who truly do deserve assistance receive minimal.  Case in point, senior citizens, most have to choose between food and medications, my Mother only receives $16 a month for food assistance, but she does qualify for Medicare aid, well, at least that’s something.  She had worked her whole adult life until she was laid off during the 2009 recession at the age of 62, she had to spend all of her savings and pension just to survive, good thing her house and car were paid for, but then her Social Security monthly allowance is under $1000, which means I’ve been helping her, gawd, I can’t imagine only receiving that much a month, there’s no way I could afford it.

The disabled, whether by birth, disease or an accident, most of which want to be contributing members of society by working somehow, even if they have limitations.

Something is majorly wrong with this picture as a whole.  Government assistance is supposed to be temporary or for those who truly need it, not for those low-life leeches.  The recessions hit the working class the most and needed the assistance and still most lose everything that they had worked so hard to obtain.

Why is it that the leeches have to stock up their carts, sometimes two, full, is that the only time they venture out of their holes?  The money stays on their food assistance cards until it’s used up or if it goes inactive after several months, but I can’t imagine that happening often, unless the owner is deceased, but then another leech would just snag it.

Then there are the drug addicts, just like with anyone with mental disabilities, which can be linked together in many cases, if they refuse to get help, continue to steal from family and friends and whoever else just to obtain cash in order to get their fix, they are menaces.  At the time of writing this, in Tulsa, some of our highways are without lights, which is very dangerous at night, because of thieves, more than likely addicts, steal the copper wiring from the fixture bases, which causes the city thousands of dollars to repair, replacing with aluminum instead.

Any kind of thieves for any reasons, totally SUCK! And they all need to go to jail.

Not to mention all of those in jail, for rape, murder, fraud, assault, drugs, theft, and so many other crimes that people do.  Unfortunately, there are some innocent people who are falsely accused, and it takes a miracle and many years to exonerate them.

The bad people in this world has gone amuck.  All of the good people in this world, PLEASE BE CAREFUL, it’s a much crueler and more dangerous world now.  And if anyone recognizes yourself as a menace, I hope you can learn from your mistakes, seek the help you need and become a productive member of society, you’ll feel so much more pride within yourself.

We all want peace and harmony.  Right?

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Laura Booker  |  Contribution: 4,030