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November 27, 2021

A Soothing Poem for Challenging Holidays

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.

Go peacefully into the Holidays.

Let go of obligations. Forget the “shoulds” and traditions that don’t fit anymore. 

Walk slowly, be aware, choose consciously.

Be present

Allow everyone to be themselves, including you. Find out what that looks like, feels like. 

Decide on your values and then express them. Let others express their own values.

Be genuine

Notice the starry sky and the moon. Stop and breathe and drop into gratitude for it all.

The good, the bad, the difficult, the weird, the beautiful and the ugly.

Remember everyone has their own challenges you know nothing about. 

We are all doing our best, really.

Be kind

Stretch yourself. How can you be better? What more do you need to understand? 

Don’t look to authorities for the answers. Trust yourself. The answers are inside you.

Above all, trust that your true soul self is needed, valued and loved. 

Be Love

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