November 26, 2021

How can we Fight Emotional Exhaustion when Everything is Leading to Burnout?


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We go through this amazing life in search for all the answers.

We try to carefully unravel what has happened to us, our unique places in this world, and examine all the trials and tribulations that got us to this point.

We attempt to take an honest look at our strengths and weaknesses, while hopefully discovering the miraculous interconnectedness of it all.

We play out our roles and courageously delve into our deepest waters, exploring unfamiliar territories and embracing new possibilities—making sure we don’t dismiss the vital lessons we could learn along the way.

But somewhere on our journey toward self-understanding and growth, we can feel like we want to bury our heads in the damn sand and just disappear. Without fully being aware of it, we are all guilty of ingesting way too much input, not getting enough rest, and freely giving away our energy without a flinch.

When emotional burnout occurs and we are worn out mentally, our minds can be our own worst enemy. No matter how much healing we go through or obstacles we overcome, the mind can inappropriately swoop in and react the wrong way.

What does emotional burnout look like? Irritability, prolonged anxiousness, short temperament, and saying things we don’t necessarily mean—just to name a few.

What can emotional burnout feel like? A flood of negative thoughts that come without warning. You can be anywhere, with anyone, or doing anything. It’s an annoying, uncomfortable nagging from the inside that sends signals to our brains to “hurry up and do something” to relieve us quickly.

Emotional burnout can leave us feeling unbalanced, angry, drained, and in fear.

Not being in control of our minds feels maddening. Being stuck in a never-ending cycle of emotional turmoil that leaves us defeated is f*cking exhausting.

Here are simple ways to prevent emotional burnout and get back to our natural zero frequency:

1. De-plug and connect with nature.

Sometimes, shutting it all down and getting back to our natural vibration are all we need to feel better. We need to recharge our batteries. Turning off the television, the laptop, and not scrolling through the mindless activity on our phones can instantly help us reconnect to ourselves.

Taking a walk and breathing in fresh air are simple, yet effective tools we all take for granted. When we reconnect to Earth’s natural elements, we are moving toward a more balanced frequency. A more aligned vibration can assist us in tackling anything life throws our way.

2. Stay neutral.

Now more than ever, our external environment can appear highly charged, divisive, and uncertain. External events can fuel us to feel as if we must respond to everyone and everything that surrounds us.

We can be eager to provide our points of view, stand our ground, and make rash judgments without knowing all the facts and circumstances, simply because we feel we need to give our opinion. However, what happens when we don’t put our energy into trying to figure it all out? What happens when we choose not to take either side?

Acting neutral can be amazingly freeing.

Our minds naturally want something to interpret, discern, contemplate, and pick apart—that’s the brain’s job. In not choosing either sides, we are also observing both points of view. We are not supporting anyone in disagreement but rather experiencing the situation from a dualistic, truthful position.

Without jumping on a side, we end up conserving our energy and maintaining our vibration.

3. Check in with ourselves often.

Laird Hamilton said, “Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live between your two ears.”

Thoughts are extremely powerful. What we believe about ourselves is what we offer the world. Our perception of ourselves shapes the way we react to our external circumstances.

But what if what we are reacting to isn’t the entire story?

When we are triggered and irrational thoughts pop in our mind, it is a perfect time to ask ourselves, “Am I reacting to what’s really going on? Or is my ego simply reacting?”

Our ego is part of our complex neurophysiological system. Every single one of us has one. The ego’s function is self-preservation that can be beneficial to our personal or professional development, but it can also hinder the actual truth.

When our ego feels threatened, it’s easy to react without seeing the complete picture. Checking in with our ego often and simply observing the irrational thought keep us in an objective state to understand what’s really happening.

With practice and mastery, we can prevent unwanted negative situations from arising, and thus conserve our energy for more positive pursuits.

4. Get more sleep.

We have been conditioned to believe that multitasking, wearing many hats, and juggling multiple responsibilities make us stronger and lead to success.

Somehow, we entered this unrealistic mentality of “keep going no matter what” which can inevitably lead to burnout mode.

Dalai Lama said it the best, “Sleep is the best meditation.”

When we are tired, our minds do not function appropriately. When we are exhausted, we tend to get short with people, lash out, or say things we don’t mean. We also do not manage stress well.

Getting enough sleep is how the brain recharges itself. In getting seven to eight hours of sleep, we are more likely to think clearly, improve our mood, and get along better with people.

In what ways do you tackle emotional burnout? I’d love to hear your thoughts!


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author: Whitney Patterson

Image: julika.illustration/instagram

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