January 22, 2022

Dear Human: It is Not about What you Wear, the Number attached to you, or How you Look.


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Dear human,

Never forget you are a beautiful miracle.

This world will remind us that we are not beautiful enough, others will judge us and remind us of how we are not enough. As a human, the world will tell you, you only have a few good years.

But I want to remind you that you are beautiful.

When the makeup does not cover the imperfections the world says you have,

When clothes do not give you the right shape and do not make you look thin or curvy enough,

When the exercise programs don’t give you the results of the person in the advertisement or the ideal body,

Dear human, dare to be human enough…

To look at yourself with love and say, “This is my body, and I love it just the way it is.”

Be your own kind of love, no matter what the world, others, or day say.

Whether you are constantly in beautiful clothes or a human in real life situations who thinks nothing about what you are wearing, only about how you are going to make it through this moment,

Remember, it is not what you wear, the number attached to you, how you look, or what another/the world decides you to be.

It is about you not letting what’s on your body and mind affect your spirit.

Remember when you cannot look the way you want,

We were all a beautiful miracle the day we were born.

The flowers, trees, and nature are beautiful just as they are in all their non-uniformed versions, and so are we.

It is what is different about you from the next person that makes you beautiful, and that is your superpower.

It is not what is ideal, and the same goes for everyone else.

Dear human,

You are beautiful just as you are.

Please don’t let the world, what is on your body, or the thoughts in your head affect your spirit or the beauty that shines within you.


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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: openheartscanunite/Instagram

Editor: Rasha Al Jabi

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