January 12, 2022

An Unexpected but Important Question we should Ask Ourselves every Morning.

The most important question I ask myself each day is: “What outfit will I wear today?”

I was pondering the question this morning on a deeper level. I thought, “What if I used this question every day, but on a heart and soul level?”

So, I have decided to ask:

What outfit will I wear today?

Do I want to clothe myself in forgiveness or bitterness?

Do I want to wear love or hate?

Do I wear an outfit to create or sit stagnant?

Do I clothe myself in inspired action or depression?

What does my outfit of being radiate? What’s my style?

I choose to clothe myself in love and gratitude, through prayer and meditation. Filling my vessel to the brim and gushing over like a glorious waterfall. I choose to radiate love and gratitude for myself, others, and the beautiful world we live in. It feels warm and fuzzy, like a pretty but lived-in sweater.

Then I remember that I have a matching necklace for my cozy sweater. I quickly find it and clasp it around my neck. It’s a brilliant gold with a yellow rose pendant. Perfect—after all, the yellow rose is a symbol of forgiveness.

As I search my dresser, I find my favorite comfy jeans. They are soft, a spectacular shade of blue, and slightly worn. Oh, so comfortable, giving me the feeling of freedom, which is great for creating, for following inspired action.

I look in the full-length mirror leaning against the wall in my comfortable bedroom, and I love what I see. However, I decide to add pearl earrings to remind me that I am a most precious and beautiful work of God. I’ve gone through some grit to become the person I have chosen to be, shining brighter and brighter as I grow, learn, and become my true self.

As I put on my socks and shoes, I contemplate each piece of clothing, and I realize that I’m proud of the person I am. I know it’s who I was always meant to be: someone who loves and trusts myself—God’s image of me. I am walking the road and shining my light of love, gratefulness, forgiveness, and inspiration. I’m creating and graciously sharing the gifts I have received, knowing that the side effects of my outfit are joy and abundance. This is my style.

What outfit are you wearing today? What is your style? What is the gift you need to open and share with the world?


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Kathryn Baskette  |  Contribution: 3,220

author: Kathryn Baskette

Image: Mitul Gajera/Unsplash

Editor: Nicole Cameron

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