January 25, 2022

Entrepreneurs, Yoga Teachers & Creatives: why your Best Tool is your Gut Instinct.


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My inbox is full of emails from various coaches whom I have subscribed to over the years.

They’re looking to fill up their programs and containers for the coming year.

Pretty much every email I have read tells the same story: their client started out with no money, was scared to invest, and is now making six figures every month.

Sounds tempting right?

It can be so easy to fall into the trap of what went wrong in 2021, business-wise. Perhaps your business or creative project—building your audience for your upcoming book, for example—did not go in the direction you had imagined. Perhaps your start-up ended 2021 severely in the red and not the black. Perhaps you are feeling really down on yourself and wanting some magic pill to make the success start rolling in.

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill. The magic lies with doing the work, learning from your past mistakes, and leaning in to what feels right for you.

Yes, I am talking about your gut instinct. It’s the one true thing that always guides us—and when we don’t listen to it, we just kick ourselves over and over.

More on how to follow that gut instinct of yours:

Imagine you are already a few solid years into your business, if not more. But you have always relied on the guidance of a business coach or a mentor to give you the confidence to succeed.

(And if you’re brand new and still in need of a mentor, the below is a must-watch.)

I’m not saying that business coaches do not serve their purpose; they sure do. However, there comes a time in business when you have enough experience to stand on your own two feet. To channel into what you think your clients want most from you or the services you are providing. Do not doubt yourself. Remember: you had the idea of your business in the first place, so give yourself kudos for that.

There is something to be said for switching off your mind from work, taking a break, and allowing the thoughts and creative juices to start flowing to you naturally—without you getting them from a third party.

And again, there is always that gut instinct guiding you along the way.

A reminder:

So, instead of getting shiny object syndrome in January whilst reading all the success stories that coaches talk about in their email pitches, why not sit back and write a list of what is going right in your business and build on that.

Ask your existing clients, if you have them, what they gained from working with you and what they would like to see more of in the future.

Implement that, trust your instinct, and your own true creative genius.

You’ll be surprised at the outcome!

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author: Nikki Taylor

Image: asjaboros/Instagram

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