February 17, 2022

Why we Abandon our Spirituality (& how to Come Back to It).

You’re a spiritual person—but do you find that spirituality is still a real challenge at certain times in your life?

I do. Okay, so I’m a pretty down-to-earth person. A true Taurean in many respects.

And since I was a child, I have always had a quest for spirituality and followed that path. Now, I guess I am quite aligned. I write spiritual blogs on a regular basis and get paid for doing so. I work with psychics, spiritual healers, and mediums on a daily basis. I do hands-on and spiritual healing a couple of times a week. I live in a beautiful, calm environment in the French countryside. Every journey outside is wonderful.

During different phases of my life though, things always start to get “busy.”

And, it’s at times like this when it’s hard to keep on your spiritual path. You know the kind of things I mean: having to deal with family illness, a relationship breakup, a sudden downward change in finances, having a huge mountainous pile of paperwork that needs clearing. A sudden disaster that means you have to drop everything and deal with it urgently, or over a period of time.

These are the things that can make you panic, or make you feel miserable, low, or tired—and your spirituality takes a back seat.

But over time, I’ve come to realise that the universe really does work in mysterious ways.

Often, the challenges are presented so you can have a change. If you fight against it, you are often just delaying the inevitable.

So, these days, I simply trust. I make sure I go back to introducing consciousness and presence into my everyday life. This is really important. It makes the time go by more slowly—so the days don’t just go rushing by. And you are much more able to actually experience the changes that are happening and to understand them, too.

We all go through difficult and rocky patches. But if we can continually look at what is happening in a conscious manner, like an outsider looking in, we will have the strength to get through those troublesome times. An acceptance of what we are going through also helps, although it can take some time for us to get used to the new circumstances.

And this way, we not only keep our wits about us, but we also keep our spirituality alive. We get to feel a new keenness about life. And that, my dear reader, is when positive change can really happen, and when we find that our spirituality was there all along.

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Daisy Mirach  |  Contribution: 1,555

author: Daisy Mirach

Image: Alaric Duan/Unsplash

Editor: Catherine Monkman

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