March 28, 2022

5 Action Steps to prepare for the Real & Ripe Aries New Moon Energy. {April 1}


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Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


New Moon, new intentions, the new phase before the next new moon, and solar eclipse at the end of the month!

If you are good at calendar tracking, keeping dated photos, or journal entries, you can reference back to April 29, 2014; we had a similar solar eclipse. While my cell phone images didn’t go back that far, I could locate some memories on Facebook, and wow!

I was a flight attendant at the time, had manifested this wonderful trip to Mexico with a dear friend at work, and the next week my now mother-in-law planted a seed letting me know about her then single son, who is now my husband. So…the energy will be real and ripe here real soon! The possibility to manifest will be off the chain high.

We can use this New Moon as a red carpet prep area for the big show that will transpire. The New Moon in Aries is the perfect time to assess and honor goals, a new phase of action-taking, intention-setting with confidence.

Following are five suggestion highlights to reflect on this New Moon in Aries, to help us take charge of our lives and leap forward with courage:

1. Know all parts of ourselves.

It is vital to know ourselves inside and out. What our passions are, what we care about, what makes us laugh, and what we find is worth fighting for. We can do this via any of the following six ways:

>> Be silent and be with our thoughts.

>> Re-evaluate our values and ensure we are living according to them.

>> Acknowledge our judgments and opinions on others are about ourselves.

>> Reflect on who we actually are (versus who we have wanted to be or aspired to be).

>> Acknowledge what we are skilled at (and what we are not).

>> Ask for genuine and honest feedback from people who you know care about you.

2. Be willing to make a change.

A considerable push has been nudging us to make a change. It’s been here for several months. We are in the last New Moon before the big one at the end of April. Part of its message is letting us know we have an opportunity to make a change for the betterment of all. We can do this well when we remain realistic, grounded, and logical.

The first sign of the zodiac is Aries. Given this is the New Moon in Aries, we have a double dose of new opportunity. It’s been building for a while, so if you haven’t said yes, now is the time to do so. Follow the hunch you have had, the gut feeling pressing you in the tummy, or take the risk you have been too scared to take. Now is the time!

3. Do something different; try a new way.

We can think about the way that we have done things time and again, in the same way over and over, and didn’t see the results we wanted. Then, we can change it up. New fresh energy is here to stay, and we can kick the old stagnant way of doing things by literally changing routine. For example, if you tend to read books beginning to end, start opening them in the middle of chapters, get up earlier, try a different workout or duration of exercise, walk instead of jog or jog instead of walk, focus on a mini-goal each month, journal with the moon (if you don’t already), drink more water, do fewer tasks. You get the gist.

Start small, but make an effort to do something different. Not sure what to change? Ask the best, most optimal version of your future self what they are doing differently than what you are doing now.

4. It’s a time to face fears.

Fear is one of the most valuable human emotions. The messages and invitations are life-shifting if we let them be. Fear tells us to take courageous action. It reminds us to breathe and focus on breath work, to take a pause for reflection, and to look at the evidence that presents (F.E.A.R. = False Evidence Appearing Real).

Fear can also prompt us to think about what we’d rather have, embrace a brighter place and being, and discuss our concerns with those we love. This moon delivers the opportunity not just to face our fears, but to pause with them, consult them, ask them what their message is and what action they are nudging us to take. And then—we take those steps.

5. Express the truth of who we are from deep within—with sincerity and clarity.

What if it isn’t about letting the freak flag fly, or allowing the black sheep to be? Let’s remove the woo-woo, freaky, or black sheep titles and normalize all parts of our being. When we greet those suppressed parts of ourselves like we greet the dawn of a new day, and stay curious about what might present, gifts unfold.

While I appreciate the power in standing in the truth of who we are, there wouldn’t be a freak flag to fly if we just said no to connecting with the label freak in the first place. The truth of who we are, is just that, our truth. We don’t have to label it to fly it. We can see it all as normal, all-encompassing, and shining light into the collective as we are, and others will too.

On that note, are you with me? If you are ready to do something different, make a change, and stand in the truth of who you are, I would love to hear from you in the comments. Please share one unique truth about yourself, something may be looked at as wooy or made you feel like the black sheep in the past. Let’s celebrate the unique blueprints we bring to this earth.


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author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: kathrinhonestaa/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra

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