March 14, 2022

I’m the Type of Girl Who…


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I’m the type of girl…who…

Covers shyness with goofy
Posts many versions of herself because she doesn’t fit boxes
Works hard and doesn’t believe easy comes without work
Is introverted but looks extroverted
Uses music to go within

Is self-deprecating to handle the hard knocks of life
Wonders what everyone’s superpower is
Knows darkness but still believes in magic and kindness
Avoids numbers because they’re addictive, so she uses intuition and feels to do her life

Gives more than she receives
Cares too much and misses a world where people respond to love, kindness (not question it) and text messages
Sees the human body for a tool for life
Believes we should stop labeling, judging, shaming and work on ourselves

Feels sensuality and sexuality are a part of self-care, a whole life, and need to be less misappropriated
Grew up around naked bodies and sees them as natural
Thinks when people look at her she has something stuck in her teeth
Sees fitness as an inside job
Dances to the beat of her own drum to help herself heal

Doesn’t iron her clothes, wears the wrong colored undies under dresses but believes that beauty is in owning our uniqueness, not covering it
Doesn’t have a diet with a label, she just believes in eating healthy and intuitively
Doesn’t want to be put on a pedestal because she’s a contradiction that doesn’t meet society’s values and labels
Is always scared to say what’s on her mind
Doesn’t like to choose sides; wants to hear every side and make people feel heard

Loves teddy bears, spearmint choc chip ice cream, going fast, and wishes she had more courage to try new things
Likes to make everyone happy but is learning she has to make herself happy first
Believes we are all the change
Doesn’t know everyone reading this but loves you anyway. If we can hate for no reason, we can love for no reason
Believes in better tomorrows and dark—light are part of a good life

I am the type of girl…who is whoever you see her to be, but also who you do not and I do not see me to be. I am a million different things all rolled into one, and grateful for the journey to discover all the types of girl I will be and learn from the ones I have been.


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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra

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