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March 27, 2022

Notes for the Soul-preneur

Photo by Arina Krasnikova on Pexels.

You know what I love seeing?

It’s the transformation

From fear to power

From uncertainty to confidence 

From apathy to passion

From scarcity to abundance 

From stagnation to momentum

It looks like a journey from low self worth to knowing YOU are the prize

Over the years I’ve had clients launch programs and get real about their financial position.

I’ve had clients come ALIVE with confidence through setting clear boundaries

I’ve even had clients receive speaking gigs, NFT collaborations and a value shift from hustle to following fun in business (and it paying off in dividends!)

In all cases, it’s the state of transformation that excites me, the place that nourishes my heart and brings life to my soul. Because business is from the heart, at least the women I’m working with… and this change is rippling through the whole world now

Heart. Led. Business. aka Soul Aligned Purpose that nourishes, supports and creates a state of thriving.

Usually the transformation that’s most required for emerging business women is how to understand the strength and viability of their offerings, and then how to implement and self-source their resources … fundamentally how to activate their masculine power and strategic mind to support their feminine intuition and essence more powerfully. 

Because there’s nothing quite like being able to provide for yourself and protect your dreams, visions and value from the drudgery of matrix living. 

And there’s something magnificent about the feminine who is able to bask in the adoration and providership of her inner masculine. 

It’s ultimately the key to a nourishing and devotional relationship with an outer masculine too. 

You gotta know what he requires, what his signature essence is and be able to activate him within you, so that you can SEE the true masculine who exists in your field… so that you can surrender to his eternal magic, demands and commands. 

It’s this beautiful dance of embodied comprehension that allows for the sweetness of a deeply loving and nourishing external match and union 

And isn’t that what the whole human race keeps striving for? Life time after lifetime?

Soul mates? 

Twin flames?

The meeting of two energies to come into Divine Union …

And why?

Well for the soul purpose of pleasure, empowerment and thriving of course. 

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