March 9, 2022

We all F*ck up. Cancelling Each Other is not the Answer.


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What type of message do we hope to send those who are watching us as we live our lives?

What message do we want to send to the humans who are struggling, who we love, or even those who judge us?

We all say we want others to know they are the most beautiful, fascinating, capable, and strong humans and they have got this life. But deep down, we still want to judge and shame each other.

But we must remember, even the most awe-inspiring, top of their field souls drop their crowns. Kings and queens sometimes fall. The people we think are perfect, after all, are still there stumbling despite giving it their all. So, let us not judge who we have been judging, nor shame them when they fall.

We have all fallen, been scoundrels, and been selfish. We’ve all been cruel, made mistakes, and been hard to live with. But what I have found most helpful is when I have fallen. And what I am most thankful for are those who have reminded me I am better than that and those who have given me a second chance.

I think all of us need to be reminded that we all make mistakes. We all f*ck up, but cancelling each other is not the answer. We grow, we heal, we change. We do better when we help each other, educate each other, and guide each other back to love instead of fear.

Let us move toward a place of healing and a place of love in spaces where fear used to grow, so that kindness and peace will follow. Let us fold our egos and make them into origami cranes because I swear, we will all fly.

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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: giuliajrosa/Instagram

Editor: Juliana Otis

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