March 1, 2022

What you See is Not Who I AM—but This Is.

These photos and videos we share here don’t capture the full story.

They show places I was and am in today. That is it. They show a moment and your perspective of the moment and the person through your own lens.

I came to social media to be accountable and share my journey in the hope that it would help another person. It was never to say what is right or wrong. I only know what has helped me, and for each of us, what helps us will be different because our journeys are unique.

I did not start where I am today, and what I share does not fully capture or reflect who I am. It shows the movement history of my body. But it does not show my “whys,” struggles, abuse, or challenges.

To me, movement is medicine. The muscles and my body are a side effect of my medicine. I use it to heal, to manage my mental health, and to be a healthy person.

I was looking through some older photos when I was pregnant nine years ago. It was my second pregnancy after losing my first child. Now, nine years later, I want to reaffirm that health and fitness are not a fad, a certain diet, or a destination. It is a lifestyle.

I have been an international runner.

A national waterpolo player.

A state swimmer.

An AFL Boundary Umpire.

A personal trainer.

A yoga teacher.

Plus many ad hoc activities like riding, bodyboarding, tennis…

I grew up eating veggies and fruits from the garden, but I also ate chocolate.

At 25, I was broke, living with my parents, and had just been a victim of rape.

I also experienced physical and emotional abuse, lost a child in my late-20s, and was told I could never have children.

I had a child in my late-20s when the doctors said I could not have any. Laine was born in Vienna, Austria. I could not speak the language nor could tell you anything about my pregnancy, as I did not understand it.

I experienced pre and postnatal depression that led me to attempt to take my own life.

I have lived on a cruise ship in Austria, Australia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, and Switzerland.

I have worked out at home for the last nine years.

I taught myself a second language and wrote a book after being dyslexic as a child.

This is some of my story. Life is an adventure, and I am grateful for all of my challenges as I would not be who I am today without them. And fitness has been my medicine through it all, but it has never been easy.

I am standing here not to show you a body; I am showing you a lifestyle, and that movement is medicine.

The grass is only greener if you water it. But one thing for sure is that anyone can make health and fitness part of their life. It is a choice.

As you can see with me, I didn’t let my challenges or excuses beat me. I just used them to help me while staying consistent with my health and practice. It wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.

Believe and you will achieve.

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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Rasha Al Jabi

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