April 28, 2022

The Blessing of Grief.


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Grief never goes away.

I have moments of sadness when I think of the people I love who have passed, but I also love to remember what I call, “The Beauty of My Life.” I feel blessed to have had so many people in my life who loved and cared about me.

One of my favorite memories is of my grandmother frying an egg. Life was simple in Greece in 1978. I would sit at the kitchen table and watch her maneuver her old warped copper frying pan, so the egg would cook evenly over the one Bunsen burner. She would take a spoon and lovingly pour olive oil from the pan over the sunny side egg. This vision of her wraps me in love and kindness. I keep it close to my heart, even after all these years.

My Uncle Sam loved me. How did I know? Every time he came to visit, he would bring a box of Entemann’s chocolate donuts. He would open the front door, call my name, “Georgette!” and then hand me the box with a deep smile like I was receiving a Faberge Egg. I always waited for him with sweet anticipation because his smile and reaction always meant love to me.

I could go on and tell you about my dad, my brother, my Uncle Bill, Grandma Agnes, and my Dear Friend Dorothy. Like all of us, I have loved and lost many people. I cherish the simplicity of the moments I have had with them; our deep loving connections that allow me to view these losses as blessings.

As long as you keep your memories alive, your loved ones never truly leave you.

I carry on and live my life to the fullest knowing that these sweet memories are what life is all about.

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Georgette Van Vliet  |  Contribution: 2,860

author: Georgette Van Vliet

Image: julieetozzy/Instagram

Editor: Juliana Otis

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