April 26, 2022

The Problem with Always Thinking we’re Right.


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“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.” ~ Unknown


Humans have a natural propensity toward confirmation bias, the tendency to seek out information that supports our preexisting beliefs and to discount information that does not.

As a result, we often find ourselves clinging tenaciously to our opinions, even in the face of contradictory evidence. This can lead to all sorts of problems, both personal and societal.

At an individual level, it can make us close-minded and resistant to new ideas. On a larger scale, it can contribute to the entrenchment of dissenting views and the polarization of society. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of this bias and guard against it.

What Is Confirmation Bias and How Does It Manifest in Relationships?

Confirmation bias is a cognitive bias that occurs when people seek out information confirming their existing beliefs or biases. In other words, people tend to selectively notice and remember information that supports their preexisting views while ignoring evidence that contradicts those views. This phenomenon can lead people to make poor decisions, which can have far-reaching consequences in their personal and professional lives.

In relationships, confirmation bias can manifest in many ways. For example, if someone believes that their partner is untrustworthy, they may interpret their partner’s actions negatively, even if there is no evidence to support this belief. This can lead to unnecessary conflict and tension in the relationship. Similarly, if someone has a negative view of their in-laws, they may be more likely to notice and remember instances that support this view while downplaying or forgetting times when their in-laws were kind or helpful.

Of course, it’s natural to have some degree of confirmation bias. After all, we can’t pay attention to everything all the time, and it makes sense to focus on information that is relevant to our beliefs and goals. However, when confirmation bias starts to distort our perception of reality, it can create problems in our lives.

How To Guard Against Confirmation Bias

There are a few things you can do to guard against confirmation bias:

1. Be aware of your own biases and preconceptions. We all have them, so it’s essential to be aware of what they are.

2. Try to seek out information that contradicts your beliefs. This can be challenging, but it’s important to expose yourself to new ideas and evidence, even if they challenge your existing views.

3. Be willing to change your mind in the face of new evidence. This can be hard, but it’s essential to be open-minded and flexible in your thinking.

4. Avoid jumping to conclusions. When you’re presented with new information, take a step back and try to assess it objectively before drawing any conclusions.

5. Seek out multiple perspectives on any given issue. It’s easy to get trapped in our own echo chambers, so try to get a variety of opinions on any given issue.

By being aware of confirmation bias and taking steps to guard against it, we can make better decisions in our personal and professional lives.

Ways to Counteract Your Own Personal Biases

There are a number of ways to counteract your own personal biases, here are just a few:

>> Be aware of your triggers.

>> Acknowledge your feelings.

>> Be curious about other people’s perspectives.

>> Practice active listening.

>> Seek out new information and experiences.

>> Be willing to change your mind.

>> Challenge your assumptions.

>> Question your beliefs

The Importance of Identifying and Addressing Our Biases, Both Individually and as a Society

It is crucial to identify and address our biases, both individually and as a society, for a number of reasons. On an individual level, biases can lead us to make poor decisions that can have negative consequences in our lives. For example, confirmation bias can lead us to ignore evidence that contradicts our existing beliefs, which can cause us to make bad decisions.

On a societal level, biases can lead to discrimination and prejudice. For example, if people have a negative bias against a particular group of people, they may be less likely to hire them or do business with them. This can lead to systemic discrimination and inequality.

Addressing our biases is not easy, but it’s important to try. By being aware of our biases and taking steps to counteract them, we can make better decisions in our personal and professional lives and help create a fairer and more just society.

Confirmation bias is a natural tendency that we all have, but it can lead to distorted views of reality.

By following the tips above, we can guard against it, and in turn, approach a more equitable society.


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author: Ashley Franklin

Image: giuliajrosa/instagram

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