April 2, 2022

There is this Girl.


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There is this girl, she is a bit random.

On social media, she looks like she has it all together, that everything comes easy, and is always smiling/confident.

In real life, she has no idea what she is doing. She works on her mental/physical health, and she is shy.

She confuses people because she is in her underwear or naked. Society has taught them to think she is indecent.

However, she has a heart of gold and was taught by her father that what we wear/look like will never be an indicator of who we are.

She is a mother who thought she would never be one.

She is an author who had dyslexia as a child.

She is a woman who wishes the world would be kinder and could show the world that a number does not mean success, beauty, or being a good human. To her, the numbers mean a like-minded community of souls connecting.

She is tired of a world complaining, shaming, judging, and saying that they will be there for each other.

She is you, she is her, she is a being walking this Earth side by side with everyone.

She is different from you, but she celebrates your differences and learns from them.

She is confused, overwhelmed, and lost about this culture and how to show her heart/truth without hurting another.

But most of all, she is the love for no reason. If we can hate for no reason, she will be love for no reason.

She is a woman who is learning how to love herself.

She is a woman whose traumas have broken her, but she is rebuilding every day new mosaics of her life, so she can avoid being a hurt person who’s hurting other people.

She is a woman who on some days feels like the person she wants to be, and on other days feels like her heart is breaking for all the past versions she was and the versions she doesn’t know if she will ever become. For all the mistakes and hurt she has caused/felt and for all that she knows will still come.

She often gives all her love to others, but sometimes she forgets to give it to herself too.

She wishes more people would connect and reach out, not just say they will keep in touch. She misses so many friends who are disconnected but sends them love and hopes she will one day see/hear from them again.

But most of all, she is a woman who is learning to live her life, not driven by fear but by love.


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Rhyanna Watson  |  Contribution: 28,540

author: Rhyanna Watson

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Rasha Al Jabi

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