April 24, 2022

Upcoming Eclipse Season: The Change of a New Dawn Calls to the Brave.

eclipse season

After an intense start, 2022 will accelerate into Eclipse Season on April 30th with a partial Solar Eclipse.

This energy is already palpable. It’s important to prepare during the days leading to April 30. I write these words in the hope it will help you make the most of what’s to come.

The first three months of 2022 have been full of heavy episodes, including emotional shocks and releases of old patterns. We may not have had the chance to experience the light to its fullest. The collective was invited to dive deeper in order to be reborn into a higher degree.

Some received powerful revelations about their path and next steps—feeling pushed to move past old choices to match their current state of mind. Ancient trauma ingrained within former generations may have surfaced, sometimes for the first time within a lifetime. Numerous families also shared ancestral healing through the passing of family members or unveiling of old secrets.

Others couldn’t bear to hide the truth any longer, especially from themselves; the truth about what they want, deserve, and who they are. The truth about what they seek in their personal life, their relationships, or careers. Discomfort arose from the gaps between what they had and felt they deserve.

2022 has brought our healing journey into a profound space.

As April begins, we may feel like we’re on the verge of a brand-new page; it’s like higher forces are pushing us to leap into the unknown. We may feel more assertive, more certain of what we want and seek. Something deep within ourselves has shifted. We feel more determined, more decisive.

We cleanse by releasing what we’ve outgrown and stepping into new territory.

You may be wondering if the moment is right or if this is the right offering from the Universe—if you’re wondering this, it probably is. You may feel it more clearly in your guts, in your belly.

You might think it’s best to wait before making a move. To wait in order to know whether to take that step, in certain and transparent terms. When changes are big, this type of certainty doesn’t come easily. Certainty doesn’t exist in spaces where our minds haven’t explored the content of our options—factually or tangibly. Our minds struggle to make rational choices in the absence of facts, examples, and evidence. Your energy hasn’t explored the real unknown, at least in this incarnation—your mind can’t describe what it has never seen.

Decide what you allow and do not allow in your space: that is your power.

Your sovereignty on this earthly plane lies in your ability to choose. Choices always require a letting go. Ambivalence isn’t sustainable, especially during an Aries season. You take your full space in this life by deciding what you allow into that space. You do not have to be the passive receptacle of what’s around, of what’s trying to take you here or there.

You now get to decide which room of experience you want to dive into. Your reasons are always fine because they’re who you are. They are not to be judged. They are your truth and reflection of your life phase.

You’ll always feel better making a real decision rather than sitting on the nebulous fence.

This is what the eclipse season will be inviting you to do. As we move into new territory, we’re being urged to implement physically the changes that have taken place within the inner spaces of our self-reflection and intuition.

There are no limits to what you can achieve or attract with this energy.

You must dare to see what’s not aligned with what you deserve. Manifestation works in two ways. One can feel energy they want to receive, basking in it as if it was already there in order to call it in. One can also call in what is right by daring to say no to what’s wrong; this can align us to a new level and phase. Find your power by truly feeling out what you deserve, what you want and need for your path. You have free will. You have the power, the right, and even the Divine duty to say a deliberate, a conscious “no” to what is not meeting your standards.

Our journeys are like roads, they are paths. As we journey, we discover ourselves, what we need, want, and resonate with. Experiencing helps us uncover and unearth what’s right for us. Don’t feel guilty if you’re changing your mind, desiring something new now, or if what used to feel like a blessing doesn’t resonate anymore. On the journey of awakening and healing, it’s okay to outgrow and move past situations. It is okay to change. A true seeker may never permanently arrive.

Shed old ground, outgrown patterns that don’t serve your highest trajectory.

This phase of the year brings about the exact circumstances you need to shed old patterns that don’t serve your highest trajectory. Throughout this eclipse season, you’ll go within to connect to your soul, your essence, and feel what’s right for you. Nothing should or shouldn’t be. Nothing is too crazy, too big, or too small. What matters are your own unique answers to spontaneous situations that arise on your journey.

Accept these situations. They are teachers and rooms of experience. You may feel redirected in some areas of your life. Don’t be scared, there won’t be any rush. You may feel pressure within yourself, but don’t allow pressure from the external. Your pace is perfect. Your rhythm is divine.

Eventually, you will get to become this version of yourself. The next one. A little higher on your path. You will get there. Soon. As always, if you allow it, in divine time.


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Sophie Gregoire  |  Contribution: 19,825

author: Sophie Gregoire

Image: Ashley Ibarra/Unsplash

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra

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