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May 25, 2022

Becoming Teacher

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.

I seem to have become a teacher. A spiritual teacher. And this is not a title that I use lightly.

In fact writing this now, gives me unexpected energy shivers.

I am already a healer, bodyworker and author (and a daughter, sister, friend, lover and mum.) I often describe myself as a facilitator. But now it seems time to say Teacher. One review of my book, The Healing Power of Pleasure, said that I’m “a fun and engaging teacher.”

All my life I knew I would one day write a book. And I knew I had a message to share. I spent many years confused, lonely and unhappy, and deep inside, knew my knowing to be true. I was motivated to actualise it, for decades doing deep personal work, to come closer, somehow, to my destiny.

Last year my book was published. To fantastic reviews. “Lively and uplifting” “highly recommended” and “a real treasure trove” amongst other positive descriptions.

I’ve been speaking a lot about the book, and am invited to teach it, in various different formats. An hour, a weekend and a week; In London, Greece, America, Spain, and British summer festivals. For me, the process of writing, and subsequently of public speaking, has been one of getting over my fear of criticism and rejection, to express what my heart wants to say…

Although I’m an experienced workshop leader, I’ve been surprised by my needing to meet my “enemy” in inner-critic form yet again, as I’ve wrestled, with the challenge of transposing the lyrical paper text for others, into a lyrical time-bound experience for others.

I thought it would be so simple and straightforward to convert the already-written book into workshop form. Yet it has demanded of me something new, as I lean into and imagine the needs and desires of workshop participants, the dynamics and flow of their workshop gains.

It comes from deep in me to share what I know to be true and helpful. It matters to remind people to drop out of their minds and into their body, to respect others and to trust their innate sensuality and wisdom. These are fun topics yet profound, light and with the power to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary and still ordinary, to create opportunity.

What I’ve written is a clear map, a practical pathway, into what I call the Universe Of Deliciousness, through the 7 paradigm-shifting spiritual medicines. A movement from our mess into our magicalness. The medicines are sequential, one builds on top of the other.

I can teach this material in an hour, or three. A weekend or a week. The depth travelled deepens with the more presence, community and immersion into this way of working.

For the Greek Island workshop I’m mindful of the participants desired experience and take-aways. How much can we fit into the time we have? Does it matter to take them through all 7 steps or can I combine and reduce these best into the 5 days workshop shape we have for our upcoming Skyros wellbeing retreat? With more space for setting up each exercise well, and allowing time for reflections and insights to be captured, as well as beach adventures too…

It feels to me like a reaching out movement now in a new and different way. Reaching out to the readers, clients and masterclass participants, to touch their souls, to attune to them, to guide them into the wholistic vital health I know is possible for them, in their own way…

Unlike a written book, a teaching is alive, living in response to the individual participants who turn up. The truth is that I can plan some, but mostly, I can prepare options and trust in a higher power to help me to deliver on the day precisely what those individuals most need.

I will be in teaching – as I was in writing – in service to the people. Mining myself, my experiences and innate knowing, for just the right words, touches, images, rituals and alchemy, that will reach and transform them.

Yes I am teaching my own soul work. But I am teaching it for specific others. May the right people who need it, receive the benefit of my wisdom, love and humour, as I was lucky enough to receive it, from my many different teachers, when I was searching and in need.

I trust in myself – to be in touch with a deeper force – to teach others to be in touch with their body and soul, so they can live with happiness, confidence and trust, in the intelligence of life, and create the self-kindness, enlivening relationships and sensual pleasure, that they yearn for, and know can be theirs too to delight in and enjoy. For a workshop and for life.

The deeper knowing is very much worth listening to. Although often called an inner voice, it is usually silent and without words, showing up as perhaps an impulse, desire or sense. It is our task is to notice it, to heed it, to listen to what it is telling us.

We are all unique For each of us our skills and capabilities are different. Our soul destiny is our own. What matters, is that can we be humble enough to listen out for that deep inner wise prompting – and dedicated enough to somehow take action on it.

Modern life is distracting and overwhelming. There are no shortage of demands for our attention. Blings, pings and bright lights! It is easy – and ordinary – to override our own wisdom. It is revolutionary to choose to listen-in to body and soul – to become who each of us really is.

True becoming is not a quick fix but a lifetime journey. It is both demanding and rewarding in equal measure. It makes life worth living. Deeply pleasurable and fulfilling.

You can buy The Healing Power of Pleasure book at, Or book your place on the Greek Island masterclass June 2022 at,

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