May 26, 2022

“I Can’t Believe This Is Happening In America.”—Really? I Can.


Tuesday 24th May—19 children and two adults were killed in a horrific shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. This is now the second-deadliest school shooting in the USA.

The 18-year-old gunman, Salvador Ramos, shot his own grandmother on Tuesday morning before driving to Robb Elementary School wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying a rifle. He then entered several classrooms and began shooting.

The gunman reportedly bought the gun he used for his 18th birthday. So far in 2022, there have been 212 mass shootings in America. We’re not even halfway through the year.

Are you surprised? Because I’m not. In the slightest.

“Gun violence in this country is an epidemic, and it’s an international embarrassment,” Joe Biden declared.

But what is being done about gun violence?

A shooting happens. The President makes a speech about things needing to change. Nothing changes. Then it happens again. And again. And again.

Of course, I couldn’t write this piece without mentioning the Republican party. Because they have actually made it easier to carry weapons in Texas. Last September, a new law was passed stating that anyone over the age of 21 without any prior convictions could carry a gun. In the aftermath of the shooting, Texas Republicans made it plain that any sort of gun restriction would not happen. I guess they are more worried about women’s uteruses.

Of course, if things don’t change, nothing will change.

This only happens in America. If there is access to guns, there will be shootings. It’s a fact. Enough is enough. Nobody (especially children) should be losing their lives because of gun laws. No parent should have to receive a phone call to say that their child has been shot dead whilst learning in a classroom.

Wake up America.

Wake up Republican party. Your thoughts and prayers are meaningless. Take action.

I’m angry. The world is angry.

Words fail me at times like these.

These tweets sum up the carnage perfectly:















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