May 7, 2022

The 6 things most Moms love Hearing (Especially on Holidays).

“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” ~ Jill Churchill


Happy Mother’s Day to each and every Mom reading this!

May I just say how proud I am of all the mothers out there? I have no children of my own, but I must say that I love kids immensely. Kudos to every woman who raises another human being. That is a huge undertaking—one of which I have no frame of reference but have massive respect for.

Mothers deserve ultimate respect.

Mothers want to be appreciated. Not because it’s expected—because it would be nice to hear, is all.

In my opinion, even though I have never raised a child (but I am a dog mom to a 10-year-old Yorkie Terrier with three legs and a resilient spirit), there are some amazing things one can say to any Mom that will instantly light up her world:

1. You’re beautiful/stunning/gorgeous/breathtaking.

Yeah, this one is unmistakably the best thing anyone can hear.

2. I appreciate everything that you do for me.

Admittedly, whenever anyone says this to me, I am instantly filled with warmth and good feelings.

3. You’re the best. I love you so much.

You can feel the love; it’s so intense. Words just seal the deal and make one feel really amazing.

4. You’re so talented/skilled/intelligent/organized.

Moms are constantly moving and grooving to make sure that everyone is taken care of and satisfied. To hear this coming from a child is wonderful—because they are noticing your strengths as you set prime examples on how to grow to be a responsible adult.

5. You smell so good.

If anyone notices your fragrance, it’s such a beautiful thing. I know that for me, personally, when I get complimented on my scent, it makes me instantly light up with confidence. I love fresh, clean smells. And when the olfactory senses are heightened, the mind and body are invigorated and alert and people pay attention to you.

Hey, I know we’re all busy, but—don’t neglect your hygiene. Savvy?

6. I love your cooking!

I’m biased here: my mother’s cooking rocks. (And the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.)

I love when someone else mentions that they love my food. The feelings I get are comparable to seeing a gorgeous sunrise every single day; I love to make people healthy and happy at home, at work, at play, every day that I’m alive. Nothing but sunshine and vitality!

There are millions of things that you can say to a Mom, any Mom, on Mother’s Day. These six things I’ve listed are simply the tip of the iceberg.

Be kind to Moms all around the world today, every day, in every way, for eternity and beyond.


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author: Stephanie Mezei

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