May 19, 2022

The Five Sacred Elements of Self-Love.


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It is necessary for us as a species to prioritise self-love as self-love is a commitment to the sacred essence of who we are.

In my experience, when I don’t prioritise self-love, I feed into negative limiting beliefs, patterns, and behaviours and attract people and scenarios that confirm this negative perception.

Self-love is not something that we do only when we feel like it, but rather it is knowing that our unique essence will never exist again in the lifespan of the universe, and it is 100 percent our responsibility to nurture this essence and empower our radiant light to shine bright in this world! It is up to us to create a life we love and experience all that our heart and soul deeply desires in this lifetime.

The journey of self-love is a committed practice that takes effort every day. It is about getting to know ourselves better than ever before; it is about understanding our values and living in alignment with our deepest desires. It is the shedding and releasing of limiting beliefs, patterns, and behaviours that no longer serve our heart and soul’s deepest desires. Self-love is experiencing all that I desire in love and life.

Self-love didn’t come easy to me; in fact, I always believed it to be a selfish way of being. I distinctly recall being told in high school by a fellow student that loving myself was conceited and wrong. As an influenced teenager, I took this information as a solid truth and carried it well into my 30-plus years of living on this planet.

What I have come to realise is that self-love is in fact the opposite of conceited and is rather an integral practice that enables me to become the woman who I deeply crave and desire to be and live a life I love. Self-love is the accepting of who I am, what I value, and it’s forgiving myself and others to create a loving and positive way of being.

This article by Ruchika Behal: 4 reasons why we should indulge in self-love, published on Elephant Journal, articulates beautifully how self-love is the opposite of being selfish.

The practice of self-love empowers us to provide for ourselves all the things that we need to survive: love, compassion, empathy, and comfort. From here, we are able to radiate our unique essence into the world, we are able to deeply connect with and love others in ways we have never experienced, and we are able to experience a life we love.

Over the years, I have explored many ways of practising self-love. If you can incorporate these Five Sacred Elements into your life, you will notice a profound positive impact, and you will experience a life you love!

The Five Sacred Elements of Self-Love:


Love is the thread that anchors us to our unique essence.

Your unique essence is the foundation of who you are and all that you desire. Connecting with your unique essence empowers the element of love to weave through you and magnetise all that you crave and desire.

Love flows through you and radiates your essence into the world.


Nourishment is your foundation to knowing you! This is where you explore your values, your interests, your likes and dislikes, and from there you create your sacred yeses and wise nos.

Nourishment goes beyond diet and nutrients; it includes how you nourish your mind, body, spirit, soul, and heart. When you understand what nourishes you, life flows. You are able to stay aligned to your values and create boundaries to nourish all parts of your being.

Nourishment empowers you to make decisions that are aligned with your heart and soul’s deepest desires: without shame or guilt.


This Sacred Element goes beyond moving your physical body and is about moving self-limiting beliefs, behaviours, and patterns that no longer align with your heart and soul’s deepest desires.

Movement aligns you to your heart and soul’s deepest desires.


Perhaps the most important of the Sacred Elements. Play brings alive your creative essence and enables you to express your unique essence. Play is the element of self-expression and creativity.

The essence of play is openness, expression, authenticity, exploration, feeling what feels good, and following those threads to create more feelings of good.

Play is the gateway to your unique essence.


Creating ease in all parts of your being is particularly important to support mental and physical well-being. Living in alignment with your deepest desires creates ease, and decisions can be made that are aligned with your values. When you create ease, you attract people and situations that serve your deepest desires.

Ease enables you to make decisions that are right for you.

My biggest lesson in my 30s has been that self-love is no longer an option but a committed practice that is integral and necessary to becoming a woman I love.




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author: Felicity Casey

Image: julika.illustration/instagram

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