June 15, 2022

11 Insightful Quotes from “Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure” that Will Warm Your Heart.

Lately, I’ve been devouring 80s and 90s flicks. I can’t get enough.

It’s fascinating to watch these movies as an adult, having more life experience and comprehension of these films’ deeper themes—because now, I’ve actually lived them.

I was a kid and young adult during those two decades (#genxpride), and I’ve had some profound moments rewatching these films, and in a way, experiencing them for the first time.

When I was a kid, I could not wait to pop “Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure” into the VCR.

I loved the history part and I was fascinated with the time travel aspect.

Watching this film as an adult not only made me chuckle, it struck me that while this film may look silly or goofy on the outside, it has a beautiful deeper message of love, kindness, and human connection.

It also addresses some important themes like trusting yourself and not bending to the will or projections of others—even parents or authority figures. And, of course, the power of friendship is all the way through this one.

Below, I share some of my favorite quotes. Some are short, but they pack a punch. And I do hope some of them make you laugh.

And if you haven’t seen this flick, please remedy that. It is entertaining, touching, and funny.

1. “Most triumphant!”

Bill and Ted should be the poster boys of positivity! They are always seeing the brighter side of the situation, even if they are a bit clueless at times.

2. “All we are is dust in the wind, dude.”

Philosophy anyone?

When Bill and Ted visit ancient Greece, they stumble upon Socrates and attempt to connect with him. So they think quickly on their feet and quote “Dust in the Wind” by Kansas.

Nice save and super deep, dudes.

3. “Party on, dudes!”

If Bill and Ted know about one thing, it’s having a good time! And I gotta say, their enthusiasm is infectious, even to people from different centuries.

4. “Be excellent to each other.”

Touching on some of the deeper themes in this movie, this quote says it all.

5. “Most non-triumphant.”

Oof. I feel like I was just punched in the gut.

This is a great description of being disappointed or sad and another gem that hits home for me.

6. Bill (quoting a book): “So-crates. ‘The only true wisdom consists in knowing that you know nothing.’”

Ted: “That’s us, dude.”

Bill: “Oh yeah!”

This one makes me laugh out loud!!!

In true Bill and Ted fashion, their perspective of things is more brilliant than it seems on the surface.

7. “Bogus.”

Eeek. Just gets you right in the gut.
8. “This should be most triumphant!”

I’m honestly just itching to use the word “triumphant” again. It’s such an awesome word.

And this points to the power of a positive mindset, which I never picked up on until now.

9. “Most outstanding.”

Gratitude, anyone?

Bill and Ted should be ambassadors of the “glass half full” mindset.

10. “We’re in danger of flunking most heinously tomorrow, Ted.”

There is power in getting right to the point.

It’s only when we are honest with ourselves that we can make a better choice.

11. Bill: “Ted, you and I have witnessed many things, but nothing as bodacious as what just happened. Besides, we told ourselves to listen to this guy.”

Ted: “What if we were lying?”

Bill: “Why would we lie to ourselves?”

Boom. Wow. This one hit me hard.

Why would we lie to ourselves? And yet, we do it all the time, don’t we?

We lie about being satisfied or feeling strong or not being afraid.

And this also touches on trusting yourself and your intuition.


What are your favorite 80s and/or 90s movies?!


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