July 7, 2022

How to Fall in Love with Yourself.

Speak kindly to yourself
You hear your own words
more than anyone else’s.

Set healthy boundaries
Remember you teach people
how you want to be treated.

Nurture yourself with self-care
Only with your own well filled
will you have water to give.

Treat yourself with tenderness
As you would a dear loved one,
a close friend, child, or pet.

Offer yourself forgiveness
because if you have remorse
you have learned a priceless lesson.

Allow yourself to get silly
fun and laughter brings us back
to the childlike state of wonder.

Allow yourself to feel and process
but not to be swept away by emotions
Emotions are our internal compass.

Bring back a joyful moment.
Feel and relive every second of it
It will remind you life can be wonderful!

Take time to get quiet and go within
It is only in silence
that you can hear your soul.

Pay gratitude for all the goodness in your life
and please don’t forget yourself.
You do more than you ever give yourself credit for.

Practice your passions and joys regularly.
This connects you deep within your soul
and puts you in flow with life.

Take time to be in the present moment
the past can hold you back
and the future can create uncertainty.

Treasure and enjoy the journey.
Give yourself credit for how far you have come
I bet it is further than you once thought possible.

Love yourself unconditionally
we are all learning as we go
and you are doing a fabulous job!


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Jenny Mannion  |  Contribution: 53,585

author: Jenny Mannion

Image: Hưng Nguyễn/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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