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August 10, 2022

Some Coping Skills I Love for Recovery from Trauma Triggers

Photo by Ghost Acolyte on Pexels.

I have more coping skills than I was aware of and I am guessing so do all of you. For instance, right now I have candles lit, am sitting on a pillow on the floor reading and writing and listening to a great playlist I made. 🙂 Music is my number one go too! My favorite song right now is called “Worry No More” by Amos Lee.


Music and laughter are my go to medicines. I take regular meds but I find the coping skills to be the thing that help because they elevate my resiliency levels as I read in a lovely article by Jackie Jackson I read on here this morning. 


Other times I have to remind myself I am no longer that scared little girl now I am a non-binary they/them and that makes me feel instantly less vulnerable. I say, “You are safe, you are grown, you are 42 and you got this” and as a fellow Bipolar 2 woman said in the hospital, “My Mom always says stick your chest out–Tits up!” Haha. The group I met of gay mentally people in the hospital had me laughing in evenings when I would get sad and lonely and missing my Baby.Laughter has always been my first go to. I remember laughing so hard when they played Jim Carey’s “Bruce Almighty”. He kills me. But with laughter. He kills the anxiety for a minute and for that I am grateful.


Gratitude is the ultimate medicine. I find it is impossible to be super angry and grateful at the same time so when I start to calm down I always remind myself of all the many many things I have to be grateful for. A roof over my head, an amazing and supportive Partner and her Mom who took me in without question when I had to be hospitalized 2 years ago.


Have a blessed day! Remember that coping is actually a skill! :)Try to remember how you cope under stress when you are not experiencing stress. It is amazing how many skills we all already have to get through these turbulent and toxic times. 


Go forth in health and wellness and remember coping skills are essential, and create resiliency. Recovery is absolutely Possible!

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