September 21, 2022

How to Rev up your Second Chakra to add Confidence & Creative Zing to your Life.

It’s the things that aren’t visible to the naked eye that are the most powerful for healing our soul of souls.

Chakra healing is one of them.

All you need for your chakra journey is an open mind and an unbridled imagination. Even if you think you aren’t imaginative, suspend self-doubt and invite your inner child to “let’s pretend this and let’s pretend that” into your life again.

For an added dimension, please watch my Vimeo video: “The Creative and Healing Power of the Second Chakra.”

When I was first introduced to energy healing and the world of chakras, I was both skeptical and curious. Thirty years later, I made the concept of chakra healing part of my everyday life. I am now convinced that this ancient tool is the quickest way to feel whole and healthy physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally—in only 5 to 30 minutes.

As a teacher, I love to create multi-dimensional approaches for revving up the seven chakras. In previous Elephant Journal articles, I featured my multi-dimensional approach to healing the First Chakraand my multi-dimensional approach to healing the Fifth Chakra.

Today, I am excited to explore my multi-dimensional approach to healing the Second Chakra with you.

What does “Chakra” mean?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word, and its full translation is “wheel of spinning energy.” That’s what we want. We want each chakra to spin to its full capacity so we will gain greater empowerment, balance, vital energy or Chi, lightness, intuitive knowing, courage, creativity, and love.

Where is the Second Chakra located?

The Second Chakra is also called the Sacral Chakra and it spins above the pubic bone and just below your navel or belly button.

The color associated with the Second Chakra

Each chakra is associated with a color. We imagine massaging our second chakra from inside out by sending the color orange through and around it.

The meaning of the Second Chakra

The second chakra is the home to our creative and sexual energy, the home of birth, and the home for giving birth to innovative ideas.

Above all, the Second Chakra is the home of personal “rebirth.” Every moment is an opportunity for rebirth and renewal.

When the Second Chakra is full of zing, we are in the flow of life. We are creative, confident, spirited, and passionate. We know our worth and we sense our place in the world energetically.

Second Chakra Visualization Exercise

Scan your second chakra and use your highest intuition to sense how it’s doing. Is it spinning vibrantly, or does it seem weak and need attention?

As you lay down, sit or stand, put the palm of one of your hands slightly above your belly button and move it counterclockwise, clearing out anything that is blocking its energy field.

Stop the movement of your palm, rub your hands together, shake out any negative energy you may have picked up from the second chakra, and take gentle time to simply breathe. Slowly and deeply. Linger in your place of inner peace for a while.

When you’re ready, put the palm of your hand over the second chakra again and move your hand clockwise this time. Breathe in all the positive qualities this chakra provides. Strength. Empowerment. Confidence. Creativity. Passion. Grounding.

See yourself standing tall and taking your full space in the world. Step fully into each dream with courage.

Act as if you matter—because you do. It is your birthright to be here.

You have innate gifts inside your being to share with the world. Take the time to discover more of who you are and share your talents and innate gifts with the world.

Get your second chakra revved up for an attitude of, “Watch out world. Here I come.”

As you continue to lay, sit or stand, commit to saying positive affirmations directly to your second chakra.

Change the words we think and say and then we will change our lives. The time to change your life is now.

Here are affirmations to get you started. Feel the freedom to create your own power words, too. Say your power words with authentic feeling and dramatic gestures, think them, write them down, visualize your life as if all these words are already true, and even sing them.

Second Chakra Affirmations

>> I honor my full place in the world. 

>> My every moment is a new opportunity for rebirth.

>> I step into all of who I really am with courage and strength. 

>> I matter.

It is your birthright to honor your innate gifts and it is your birthright to honor your full space in this world.  Some of us make ourselves invisible and small. No more.

Stand tall and feel your feet planted firmly on this earth. Know you are here and know you are meant to be here for a reason.

Before I introduce one more modality to our second chakra healing mix, let’s review. We used imagination, the power of creative visualization, color therapy, energy healing, and positive affirmations. Let’s add one more element to our varied approach to transformational healing and personal growth.

Sound Healing

In tune or out of tune, take an expansive breath and send a deep sound to your second chakra with the purpose of adding vibrational energy to it. When you run out of breath, take another one, and send a new tone. Elongate the tone as long as possible.

If I was successful in getting you curious about the world of chakras, you can discover in-depth information and explore new exercises on all seven chakras by checking out my gold award-winning book, “Peace Dreamer: A Journey of Hope in Bad Times and Good.

Make sure you watch the Second Chakra Vimeo video again, too.

Until the next time, happy Second Chakra healing everyone.

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Cheryl Melody Baskin  |  Contribution: 81,580

author: Cheryl Melody Baskin

Image: Tiffany Freeman/Pexels

Editor: Juliana Otis

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