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September 28, 2022

Life Is Better With Chocolate

Photo by Flip Side on Pexels.

Today the youngest member of our family, my two-year-old grandson reminds me of a great lesson.

When life gives us chocolate we need to enjoy it.

This is a lesson for every adult. As the family gathers over coffee and toast the littlest member is sitting under the table eating chocolates from Europe with a huge chocolate smile. We missed the opportunity to join him. In our quest to set the prettiest table we let the chocolate moment pass us by.

Life is a gift and often we do not allow ourselves the joy of the simple joys thinking we need to save for a special moment when in fact every moment is unique.

Something happens to us when we grow up. We become fixated on the future forgetting the joy of the “now”. This happens as more time passes and we get caught up in ” perfecting” the perfect moment instead of living in it.

The ” Joy” of life becomes a quest or foraging, a yearning for bliss and watching as time slips and fades into distant memories.

This past weekend while visiting my grandchildren I was reminded of my youthful inner child that lives deep inside. Spending time with young people can do this if we listen and are witness to the childhood joys of life.

Life gives us wake-up calls if we take heed.

The joy of life is in the simple joys and the sweetness that we can experience if we take the time.

Slowing down is the first step.

Today dear friends let us embrace the sweetness.

Take time to enjoy your five senses.

Pour your own cup and sit down for a while just being present with your own being.

Notice the environment and take in the smell of the air.

We can pause to slow down and enjoy this life that sometimes feels like it is whirling far too fast. Enjoying and fully experiencing every opportunity is a gift.

Life is better with chocolate especially chocolate shared with family and friends.

This is my lesson for today and I laugh out loud sharing it as I watch my young grandson wipe the chocolate from his face with a sheepish grin.

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