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September 16, 2022

You think you’re the only one that thinks the weird shit you think…

You might think you’re the only one that thinks the weird shit you think, but you’re not.

You might think you’re the only one to feel the weird shit you feel, but you’re not.

You might feel alone and like if someone really knew what was going on inside your head, they’d put you in a mental hospital.

It’s not that you’re alone in your thoughts and feelings, but we as a society have isolated ourselves from sharing the truest parts of us.

The parts of us that ache.

The parts of us that feel so deeply.

The parts of that don’t allow us to lie on our insides.

Our insides are all tangled and no one is talking about it.

We push down our tangled insides and try to control what we can.

We control our diet.

Our exercise.

Our bodies.


But we can never truly control our insides.

The only way to untangle our insides is to turn ourselves inside out and start talking or journaling on the thoughts going around our heads.

To start feeling the feelings we are having, actually allowing them to be felt for more than a mere 2 seconds. Allow them to rise and see what they are trying to communicate with you.

We must all turn ourselves inside out as if our lives are depending on it.

Because they are.

Not the lives we are currently living governed by control and unhealthy habits.

But the life we were made to live.

Go and live it.

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