October 25, 2022

3 Words to Say when you’re Feeling Low, Shaky & Messed Up.


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I Stand Proud.

We always have a choice. The words we say out loud or think quietly to ourselves have the power to convince us that we are worthless, less than everyone else, and we’ll never get out of the muck. Words that have a high vibration can encourage us to soar toward a new beginning and reach for a more hopeful picture on the other side of our misery.

“Change your words to change your life” is my inner mantra. I use this phrase to remind myself of the influence and power that each of my words project.

When I say “I Stand Proud” in a confident tone and mirror these three words with my head-held-high posture, a positive shift begins to evolve from inside out. “I Stand Proud” reassures me that I have what it takes to stand tall in the face of adversity.

When I say these three words, I know from the inside out that I matter and that I am of value.

My self-worth barometer soars higher, and I begin to transform into a more optimistic version of myself. I can feel a sudden surge of increased courage, strength, self-belief, and hope, and I become increasingly aware that my depression, hurt, anxiety, confusion, and anger are beginning to morph into feelings of hope, light, self-compassion, self-love, and more moments of inner peace.

Gradually. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it will happen.

If you’re human, you’ve gone through “stuff” and you’re going through “stuff.”

Trust that better days are coming. Trust that you are loved and protected by the universe and a Higher Energy is always surrounding you with love. Trust that your experiences are life lessons that happen for a reason. Trust that your transformational growth will become the ultimate gift toward knowing how strong, gifted, and beautiful you are.

Even during my lowest times, I maintain trust and faith that hope is around the corner. The universe has my back, and it has yours, too. Even if it doesn’t feel like it at times.

Put your imaginary magnifying glass in your hand and use it for an inward look at yourself. Acknowledge all the times you handled the impossible. How did you make it? I’ll tell you how. Your determination, persistence, resilience, and strong will.

As we go through the muck of life, we might need time to recover and heal, but ultimately, we will do more than survive. We will move forward and thrive, no matter what. Why? Because we know how to stand proud. We know the truth about our worthiness and the beauty of our inner core.

Tools for Visualizing “I Stand Proud.”

>> When you are feeling low, shaky, messed up, confused, or alone, breathe “I Stand Proud,” into your body, mind, and spirit. Visualize grounding yourself in these three words. Place both feet on the ground and step forward with confidence, self-belief, and strength. Allow the energy of the earth to flow through you from the bottoms of your feet to the top of your head and back down again. You are now grounded, free, and standing in your power. You are here—the you of you—with so much to offer.

>> When you say “I Stand Proud,” sit and stand taller, talk to people from your strong “power belly,” breathe healing breaths into your soul, notice and value the present moment, honor your innermost truths, and confidently know that you belong in the world. Despite how much you may be hurting, there will soon be light on your face and hope in your heart. Never give up—no matter what. Stand tall and proud in all of who you are, and above all, take time to acknowledge how far you have come.

As a perfectly imperfect human being and an intuitive life coach who continues to experience challenges in life, I know you have what it takes to make it through anything and everything. I hope you will consider not only saying “I Stand Proud,” but living these three power words in the deepest part of your soul.

I am with you all the way on your self-healing journey. Let me know how you are doing in the comment section. I care about you even though we may not have met. Everyone goes through life’s ebb and flow and we need to be there for each other. It’s part of being each other’s global sisters and brothers.

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Cheryl Melody Baskin  |  Contribution: 81,465

author: Cheryl Melody Baskin

Image: miraalou/Instagram

Editor: Juliana Otis

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