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October 25, 2022

A Poem: Walking The Lake Path

I had tears in my eyes. It was the fifteenth October day

so of course the world was so beautiful that it stung

not like a bee but an allergy that the everyday mind,

the everyday body could not be coaxed

into integrating.

When I came upon Sumac

revealing the sacral chakra right on the surface of her leaves,

I was able to say Hello, Sumac, Hello, because just the other day

Hannah from the farm taught me the plant’s name.

Sumac wants all the attention this time of year,

she said, and everyone in our group giggled.

Everyone looked up to give Sumac what she wanted.

Attention – I have for too long been placing it

on my appearing disappearing thoughts, on my rising falling breath.

As if I have a Self. As if I am somehow separate

from Sumac. Separate. Impossible.

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Natalli Amato  |  Contribution: 115