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October 12, 2022

Why I Don’t Believe Karma

I don’t believe in karma.
I believe in: they know what they did, even if they won’t admit it to you, themselves, or others, and that’s why it won’t sit well with them, even if it takes time to fester.
I believe that they carry that stress, worry, guilt, and shame within, until something in their reality manifests to “make it right.”
I believe that things come full-circle, sometimes right in our faces, when you learn to surrender and release, especially in moments of negativity, despair, disrespect, injustice, or the like.
Because sometimes, the answer isn’t to keep fighting to be heard or understood, or more explaining, or ugly-crying your feelings on the mountain top for all to see.
Sometimes, the people you need/want to hear you the most, can’t. They’re not ready to. They may never be ready.
Sometimes, the answer is to just let it be whatever it is, and decide to change the meaning that you’re giving it, simply because you can.
Because you have that power available to you at all times – no matter what.
Yes. Your feelings are valid, even if no one understands or agrees or sits in your corner.
But no, you don’t have to wait for revenge or karma or validation to make it right inside yourSELF.
If you want inner peace, clarity and alignment, you just have to let it go.
You have to decide that the way it makes you feel, and your well-being is more important than what they think, say, do – and any other exterior conditions in your world.
You have to convince yourself that it’s all going to work out, even if you can’t see how or when yet.
Acceptance is a super power.
Not because you agree or because it’s right or fair – but because some things are out of your control, and sometimes, you don’t get what you want because there is something better in the works for you, and the greater good.
Lean into trust. It’s always worked out, and it always will.
~ v
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