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November 15, 2022

Who’s the Weaker Sex

As a society, men, especially white men, have tried to make women appear to be the weaker sex, it’s like, if us women rose above our potential that has been restricted because men were the stronger sex, that it would belittle them in some way.  Seriously?  I guarantee, that is not the case.  Being strong doesn’t only refer to physical strength but also fortitude.

A woman’s strength is not determined by any man in her life.  Albeit, due to circumstances, men can either help or hinder a woman.  If a girl has a strong father figure during her whole life, telling her that he loved her, how she can succeed at anything and to stand up against all threats, that is exactly how she’ll become.  However, if a girl had an absentee or abusive father, then she’ll think she is unlovable or desperately trying to fulfill that void with drugs or hooking up with bad boys, some of which is relatable to my own journey.

Nowadays, it seems like more women are rising above all of their lifelong turmoil, getting more education, higher paying jobs and kicking ass in general.  No longer depending on men to take care of them, well, except for those who are users, then that’s a different subject & article.

One thing that really bothers me about men saying they are stronger than women, is that perhaps going back to the Stone Ages through to modern day, there are numerous men who run out all on their families, which includes girlfriends who have their babies, leaving the women and children to fend for themselves, because the man can’t handle the responsibility.  THAT is definitely not a show of strong manhood, that’s when women have no choice but to step up in order take care of HER family, the coward is no longer considered a part of the family unit or a real man.

I personally have had several boyfriends through the years, who were good guys, but seemed so beaten down from an ex-wife that treated them like shit or some other life changing ordeal and they can’t get back on their feet, financially and mentally, even after several years later, causing them to live with either roommates or family.  Seriously, they need to get their balls back and stop being a big, oh poor me baby.

It also seems like that women can not only support themselves, but they can also take care of themselves without any problem whatsoever.  Men, on the other hand, some may make a good living and be responsible, but most have a hard time managing without a woman around, even simple things as going to the grocery store, paying bills on time, housework and when they are sick, they need someone to wait on them hand and foot, Really?  There’s rarely anyone around to assist me, I still gotta get up, not only taking care myself but also my critters.

My goal here is not to belittle men, but to make everyone realize that we all deserve to be strong, our gender should not be an issue or a hindrance. When a strong man and woman come together, there’s nothing they can’t do, but when one is carrying the load, does that make them stronger or weaker?

If insecure men hadn’t held women and minorities back for so long, just think of how far advanced our worldwide society could be by now.

~ Laura Booker

Written in 2015

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