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December 28, 2022

As 2022 Comes to an End…

I’m reflecting on the past year.  The highs, the lows.  The heartbreak.  The growth.  The lessons learned.  I’m remembering where I was when the year was brand new and thinking about how far I have come since then. Over the course of 365 days, my whole life has changed.

One of my favorite parts of growing older is the wisdom you earn along the way.  I’m able to look back now at the most difficult times of my life and recognize that I was learning and growing the most.

Some of the worthiest lessons have been:

  • Learning how to slow down and enjoy the moment as it happens; instead of being in such a hurry to get to the next one.
  • Being able to open your heart after being hurt and truly realizing that everything happens for a reason, even if you can’t see it at the time.
  • That loving yourself completely sets you up for more success in other areas of your life.
  • Realizing that some of the best moments of your life are the quiet ones you spend with your favorite person.
  • Overcoming your fears of trying something new can help you to discover new passions and hobbies.
  • The reminder that the people, and things, you need the most will come to you when you are ready, not when you want them, and when you least expect it.

Instead of expecting more of the same in 2023, I’m getting excited for all the things to come.  I’m making a list of all the things I want to try, the places I want to visit, the experiences I want to have.

Are you happy with your personal growth in 2022?  Are there certain things you wish you had done differently?  I encourage you to sort through those thoughts and make a list of things you’d like to do differently next year. xo

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