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December 11, 2022

Find Your Groove

Find Your Groove.

A groove is a sensation. Inexpressible through words, therefore a movement. A flow. Something that cannot be judged or calculated. A unique expression of the consciousness housed within the entity. It’s a river that changes its flow day by day, moment to moment. A doorway to the infinite, unstruck, sound.

Find Your Groove.

Once you find it, it takes you over. It is you, in the end. Everyone is pointing to The Eternal Groove, the movement of life itself, through their own. Therefore, you must find yours. Supplementing someone else’s groove for yours will only take you far enough to be a spectator in the eternal movement. But you want to be the eternal movement. To do otherwise is to deny your soul its own dance. A dance that has no method or goal, but does so for the love of the movement itself.

Find Your Groove.

For if you do, it will take you there. There meaning here. Sensitive to the sensations that are moving through you now, which are undeniably one with the eternal movement. Don’t doubt it. You probably will, but hold close to the feeling. It’s ever-changing so you will never truly grasp it. In the end, it’s dancing you so let go and enjoy. Your mind is meant to enjoy your groove. Let it rest in the groove, beyond concept.

Find Your Groove.

What’s moving through you? What draws you in? What plays the strings of your heart? Can you be with that movement beyond any conflict? Beyond who or what you think you should be? Might you use your power of discernment to see what’s wholesome for you? Can you strike up the courage to move in your own way? Do you have the trust to fall back on the inconceivable intelligence of your body-mind, nature herself?

Find Your Groove.

We need yours. Nobody can do it like you do. When you find it you add to the symphony that both reveals and creates The Eternal Groove. Yet, this is a moment to moment discovery arising out of emptiness. You have never arrived and never will. But why would you want to, the dance continues.

Find Your Groove.

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