January 5, 2023

Let’s talk about how to relate to Boredom from a Buddhist point of view.

Let’s talk about Boredom.

We avoid it. We entertain ourselves…to death. We fill the gaps.

But that uncomfortable “Hot Boredom,” as Buddhism calls it, is a wall of fire, a gateway, into making friends with ourselves—to relaxing into Cool Boredom, into being truly happy, present, full, open, right here, right now. That’s a good way to be.

Now is a good place to be


That’s it. We don’t need to say a lot. We don’t need to blah, blah, blah or fill the space. Read it twice. That gateway is waiting for you to walk through, into your life.


To read about the speediness that fills our lives, and inspire yourself to find another way, read one of my favorite articles on Elephant, ever, here.

For meditation instruction, here.

For more on hot and cool boredom and how to work with them, click here or here or here


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