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January 5, 2023

Why “Special” by SZA is a Good Reminder for all Girls

Photo by Evie Shaffer on Pexels.

SOS by Sza came out a few weeks ago. Every single song on it is amazing, but one song speaks to me on a very personal level. It’s a song that I think every single girl can relate to. Part of the first verse goes like this:

I got pimples where my beauty marks should be
I got dry skin on my elbows and knees
I never liked her, wanted to be like her
Hate how you look at her ’cause you never saw me
Like I was an art piece, like I was an ordinary girl

Every girl has looked in the mirror and seen something she didn’t like.

Every girl has looked in the mirror and wished she looked more like someone else.

Every girl has had their feelings hurt by somebody who picked a different person over her.

Every. Girl.

At some point in their lives, every girl has been made to feel like they weren’t “special” or good enough. Whether it was in school by the mean girls, or in a relationship with an unappreciative partner, we have all been there. Please remember that you are good enough, and you always have been, no matter what anyone else tells you. Please repeat those words to yourself until you believe them.

We live in a society with impossible, and often, unattainable, beauty standards. Social media is flooded with “influencers” showing us what beautiful should look like. Filters and ring lights and layers of makeup cover up their true essence and natural beauty.

While it might be really hard to appreciate yourself exactly as you are, I hope you’ll try. Every one of us is unique and beautiful in our own way. It was only with hours and hours of self-reflection and self-love that I was able to get to this place myself.

The next time you start criticizing yourself, or wishing you looked different, please look in the mirror and think about how boring the world would be if we all looked the same. Look at yourself in all your beauty and be grateful for your uniqueness.

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