February 23, 2023

Here I am (Again) with a Broken Heart.


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I really thought he was the one.

That I had finally met my person—my forever. He was the love of my life, my best friend, and my soulmate.

And yet, here I am (again) with a broken heart.

Here I am wondering how I could have gotten it all wrong. Wondering how I allowed myself to be fooled, again. Wondering how I let myself invest so much time and energy into someone who didn’t deserve it.

How I ignored the red flags, again.

There should be a maximum number of times you can have your heart broken in one lifetime. A maximum number of times somebody else can discard you with the trash. A maximum number of times you can be made to feel, and look, like a fool.

Healing from a broken heart is never easy. Healing isn’t linear—it is messy and painful. There will be ups and downs. Steps forward and many steps backwards.

There will be days when I feel fine. There will be days when I can’t stop crying. There will be days when I am angry at the whole world.

The only thing I know for certain is that broken hearts do heal.

So, now, it’s time to let go:

I am letting go of who I thought you were.

I am letting go of what I thought we had.

I am letting go of who I was when I was with you.

I am letting go of the empty promises you made to me.

I am letting go of the life we talked about building together.

I am letting go of the future I dreamed about for us.

I am letting go of the safety I felt with you.

I am letting go of the joy I held in my heart for you.

I am letting go of the sound of your voice.

I am letting go of your smile.

I am letting go of the way my hand felt in yours.

I am letting go of all the moments that I thought were special.

I am letting go of the pictures.

I am letting go of the messages.

I am letting go of the anger I feel.

I am letting go of the doubt I feel.

I am letting go of the love I had for you.

I am letting go of you.


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author: Melissa Patrick

Image: giuliajrosa/Instagram

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