March 23, 2023

Waylon Lewis with Faik Bouhrik, founder of the “Vegan Stay.”

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

A new Walk the Talk Show conversation with Waylon Lewis: Waylon and speaks with the founder of The Vegan Stay, Faik Bouhrik.

The Vegan Stay is basically a vegan Airbnb with locations all over the world—and our staying at one directly benefits animal sanctuaries.

“On one hand, there is vegan revolution where there is wealth being created. Yet the ones that are benefiting from it are actually mostly companies that could give a crap that veganism is for animals. 

And animal sanctuaries are mostly run by women. Women with high levels of sensitivity and empathy, and they don’t have the support they need.

So I thought, what if I created an organization? I needed resources to make it happen. I settled on a hybrid where sanctuaries can tap into it so that they get provided with the logistical and financial resources that they need so that they can focus more of their energies into saving lives and educating, and less on trying to get the money in the first place.

And now we [are working with] about 70 sanctuaries in 16 countries, already. The Vegan Stay is a travel website, and it’s growing—our ultimate goal is to make it a hub for vegan traveling and homestay.” ~ Faik Bouhrik


“You could have an intellectual understanding of things like [caring about our] environment or animals, but unless someone somehow taps into the part of themselves that will allow them to see and process all of that through a lens of compassion, they will always be able to find justifications to find a way out of caring.” ~ Faik Bouhrik

“Being an empathetic person and being somebody with a martyr complex is not the same thing.” ~ Faik Bouhrik


“Animals are sentient beings and we are far away from treating them with the respect and sensitivity and understanding they deserve.” ~ Faik Bouhrik

Or, listen to the podcast:

Find out more about the story of The Vegan Stay here and check them out on Instagram, here.

Book your own stay or consider listing your own stay. Why host?

“I don’t think I’m giving too much. I just believe we live in a world that gives too little to the people who deserve it.” ~ Faik Bouhrik


A note from Waylon:

Big news about my podcast, new YouTube channel.

Our podcast and video series are trying to start up again, with Molly’s help! Help support them by viewing, listening, sharing—we’ve received many requests over the last years for mindful tips and conversations and the podcast to return. Boom! I’m once again doing a convo/video/podcast once a week. Hope you give it a listen.

I’m leaving behind Elephant’s 35,000 subscribers (Google never let us monetize) and many millions of views—and I hope you’ll subscribe to my new channel here: I’ll upload at least one video a week about everyday mindfulness and eco and meditation and relationships and food and equality and politics from a non-hateful perspective, and all that good stuff.

⁠So, anyways, starting a new account. Subscribe! Support! Share! All the things. May it be of benefit! Be one of my first and comment if you do so.


For more mindful chats, go to elephantjournal.com/talkshow and follow us on Instagram at @walkthetalkshow.

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