April 4, 2023

A Pema Chödrön Quote I Wish Everyone Would Read.

It’s okay to feel sad or angry or restless or scared.

It’s okay to not feel happy or positive all of the time.

It’s natural to feel grief and mourn when we’ve experienced loss.

I wish more people would understand this, feel the truth in it.

Too many people feel like there’s something wrong when they feel anything less than happy—that there’s something wrong with them if they feel anything less than happy. They want to automatically shift, find a way to get over it.

How can I switch my thoughts?

But there are reasons for why we feel how we feel. If we could just allow ourselves to be present with what’s happening, with how we feel, we could learn from it, and we could learn more about ourselves.

Every emotion we feel just wants to be heard, wants to be tended to and listened to and felt.

Life is everything: it’s beautiful and wonderful and filled with magic, and it can also be painful and difficult sometimes.

We can learn to ride the waves—to allow what’s happening to happen, to observe it, and to discover what we can learn from it. And we can learn to connect more deeply to ourselves through all of it, through each and every one of our moments.

We can bask in the beautiful parts of life, emphasize gratitude, allow appreciation to fill us and flow through us, and we can find a way to breathe through (and learn from) the moments that feel hard.

Life is all of it, and it’s okay that it’s all of it.

This is a Pema Chödrön quote I wish everyone would read:

“We think that the point is to pass the test or overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It’s just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.”



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Image: Elijah O'Donnell/Pexels

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