April 18, 2023

I found out Winnie’s breed mix!

And lo, there was light.

I’ve been wanting to know since I got him—I was told, correctly (pretty much) that he was half Australian Cattle Dog, half Great Pyrennes. But being a rescue, it was likely (certain) that he was a dozen other breeds, besides.

Presenting, SuperMutt!

He’s been sweet, funny, troublemaking, present, lots of eye contact, friendly with other dogs and humans, though shy with many and terrified of traffic (with good walking and socialization, we’re getting through that). And he continues to grow by leaps and bounds.

He’s just begun loving the water, and gets to play with his sister, Harley, who only lives two blocks away.

He’s Winfield/Winnie the Pooh.

And no, I didn’t return him. That April Fool’s Day post was inspired by the rescue, Soul Dog, asking we adopters to sign that we would not return our pups. Like, 4 different times. I asked why it was repeated and they said “so many folks return their dogs.” Obviously returning or getting from a breeder is basically sentencing another dog or cat to death. So I was inspired to use April Fool’s to give folks the education and awful feeling of casual, lazy selfishness that goes into such an act for many.

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