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April 29, 2023

The Neighbor’s Dog

One day I was playing at Mick’s house and he asked, “ Do you want to go over to the neighbors to go sledding with them?” “That sounds awesome yes!” I encouraged. When we walked across the neighbors yard to his yard, one house over his dog was barking at us. The Murphy’s were kids I went to school with and they were all very nice boys. Mrs. Murphy told me to let their dog sniff me so I put out my hands to be sniffed and she bit my pinky. Mrs. Murphy felt awful and asked if she had broken the skin. I showed her my wound which was a wide open pink zig zag across my pinky. I could feel it as soon as I saw it. It happened so fast. I immediately felt all my blood rush to my pinky and cause a steady throb where the wound was. She immediately brought me over to Mick’s house and bandaged me up with bacitracin and a butterfly bandage. I couldn’t believe how good a job she did and I found out she was a nurse. I was all set with this new bandage and I still wanted to play so I went back out with the kids. They had been sledding and their cheeks were all rosy from the cold. I went down on a sled with Mick. I rode behind and man was it a terrifying ride. We headed straight down this steep hill nearly missing trees all along the way until we hit a cliff and flew off the sled each into our own snow pile. “That was awesome!” Mick yelled with total glee in his voice. “Wanna do that again?” I decided to stay their and watch and not risk my life any more for that day.

When my Mom came Mrs. Murphy was sure to come and tell my Mom what had happened with their dog and she showed her the wound and rebandaged me. She was so sweet and careful with my wound. I had never met anyone so nice in my life. No wonder the Murphy boys are so sweet I thought. Their Mom is an angel. I thought I should probably get stitches for my wound but since the nurse had wrapped it so well and had said it could go either way we didn’t go. I hated the Dr. anyways so I’m sure I didn’t ask to go.

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