Many of us forget about ourselves, in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Some of us have others we are responsible for, some of us just make excuses (not you of course!), some of us just go-go-go and this becomes who we are so we don’t question it. No matter the reason, all of us have ways stopping us from being the best in health and spirit; we get in our own way!
Here’s 10 ways we can do better (some are obvious but good reminders!):
- Make an appointment for you, to do something healthy FOR YOU. An appointment made today, for sometime in the future, will put in on your calendar and then all you’ll need to think about is showing up, when the time comes. If you’re personality is the type that is good at keeping appointments, this one is definitely for you! If you’re personality is NOT good at keeping appointments, this ones for you too! It’s time to start re-training yourself! Put it on your calendar today, and that appointment will come up sooner than you think! “Set it and forget it.” If attending exercise classes, and can bulk enroll, for a regular commitment, even better!
- Healthy eating is a great way to show up for yourself! Here’s why; the body will feel GREAT and, as a result, so will the MIND! There is a scientifically-proven connection from the gut to the brain. What we put in our body affects the chemicals in the brain. This goes beyond food, and goes into helpful supplements. I’ve recently become more of a believer of herbal supplements and other vitamins, to help specific areas of the body perform best and be the healthiest. I’ve seen, first hand, what certain supplements have done for my current medical condition (perhaps I will divulge in another article!). So, now, I have a daily regimen of vitamins and supplements, to keep me at my best!
- Exercise daily! Keep the body moving. It was made to move and it most happy when it’s pumping blood and moving fluids around, with ease, every day. I say “with ease” because we can sit around, doing nothing, and the blood and fluids will keep moving, but, they will move with more ease if we help with daily movement. We know this when we exercise and, naturally, feel happier and when our body systems (digestive, blood, respiratory, moods, brain functions) are regular and less congested.
- Rest! We all need more rest! The rest we need is a more functional rest; much more than flopping on the couch and turning on the boob tube (that’s TV for the younger folk) type of rest. You know? The kind when you’re absolutely exhausted and your cup has nothing left in it? That’s not the rest we need more of. We need constructive, functional rest. How can we do this? Take a nap! Yes, it’s that easy! Have trouble relaxing enough, to nap? Start with 5-10 minutes. Set your alarm, put all electronics away, turn off the TV, lie down, close the eyes, just breathe. Listen to the world around you, keep breathing and focusing on the inhalation and then, the exhalation. Forget that time exists. Count your breaths. This will take some practice and time, for those not accustomed to slowing down. Have no fear! There are other ways! Guided meditation and yoga classes designed for resting, like yoga nidra and restorative yoga. Sound baths are also great OR, perhaps, a massage! Find YOUR way(s) to rest and create a regular schedule for this practice, that can enhance and lengthen your life, by restoring your nervous system.
- Breathe. Yes, I’m a yoga instructor so this will, definitely, be on my list. But, breathing is an important tool to remember. We breathe, passively, all day long, from the day we are born to the day we die. When we learn to breathe constructively (taking conscious breaths), it tells the body to relax. The nervous system learns it doesn’t need to be in fight or flight mode, and instead of our energy going into protection mode, our body is able to focus on repairing cells and maintaining healthy functions. Functional breathing includes breathing in, expanding the lungs, pushing out the belly (to move the diaphragm), pushing out the ribs (to stretch intercostal muscles and increase lung capacity), and then breathing out fully (to help release carbon dioxide). When we fully utilize our breathing abilities, we feel better, more alert, and it helps all other body functions work at their best. If we don’t utilize this tool, the body gets messages to compensate for the lack of oxygen. We may get cravings for things like sugar, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, to fill that void. The body is just trying to stay alive. When we use these amazing tools, like breathing, the body feels fully alive and able to function at its best.
- Kind and positive thoughts can go a long way, in showing up for ourselves and others. For you, kindness and positivity are great for the programming of your brain! The brain is happy=the body is happy. We live in a world that can make these habits very difficult to master. Low and behold! It’s all about the training. It’s a daily exercise and lots of hard work! But, the more we do it, the easier it gets. Yes, there will always be blips, because chemicals in the brain are affected by all the above, and (dare I bring up) hormones?! It’s true though! Either way, practicing with a daily routine will help. Journaling is amazing to do! Writing a daily gratitude list, is also great! Read and listen to positive thoughts and affirmations; there are so many out there!
- Community is understated. I didn’t realize, when I started my yoga community in 2006, just how much it would mean to so many people. It has meant the world, to me, also. It’s a HUGE support for anything you’re going through in life! People who see you regularly, become like family and they truly care and want to support you. It’s a beautiful thing! Norway has been rated as one of the happiest places, in the world, to live and this is due to community. It’s proven to improve quality of life and how do you know it’s improving yours? You can feel it, in your heart and soul. We thrive, as humans, when we are surrounded by a community that cares! If you don’t have one yet, it awaits you! Find what you love and it will lead you to your community.
- Good people, with good hearts are essential to have around. Being a good person with a good heart is essential to showing up for ourselves, as well. We know when we’re being a good person and when we’re not. There is a difference in the body’s response to these opposing ways. When we are good, we feed the body and soul good feelings, which translate into positive messages for the body/mind. When we are positive, we are happier mentally, and when the mind is happier, the body follows. There is a science behind this way of being. Our self-esteem goes up, because we feel good about ourselves. With higher self-esteem, we feel better and promote better physical and mental health. We also rub off on others and help create goodness all around. It becomes existential and it really works! When goodness prevails, it just feels GOOD! It’s time we all get on the GOOD TRAIN, and help train anyone around us that they, too, can feel this good!
- Humor, please! A day without laughter is a life harder lived. Give yourself the gift of a good laugh, every day. Show up for yourself, with laughter! What do you find funny? Seek that out. Social media is pretty awful, but you can find some very cute and funny videos, nowadays, on different platforms. It makes me smile, thinking of all the people out there creating content just to make other people laugh and have a better day! And life is pretty funny, in an of itself! The fact that we take anything seriously is funny to me! There’s so much to find humor in! Isn’t it great, also, to be around others laughing? The energy vibrations are so wonderful and, if good natured, feels great to receive those waves! So, whatever medium brings a laugh your way, I hope you can insert a little into your everyday!
- Give back to others. Find ways to remember it’s not all about you. The bigger picture is we are all here, together, on this earth, trying to live the best life we can. So, give back. Find ways to be kind and helpful; ways to make the life of another easier and more joyful. It can be a simplegesture or something more grand; whatever it is, know it will make a difference. YOU make a difference, for the better. When we make our dedications in yoga class, we are reminded we are doing greater work when we practice yoga. We are becoming the best version of ourselves, just by showing up for ourselves, and as a result we are helping the world to be a better place. Our dedications are for things other than ourselves, but, always keeping us in mind too. Without being our best, how can we best serve those around us? Find ways to give back and let it begin with you.
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